Elvis or The Beatles?
Always hated that question. Replace Elvis with The Rolling Stones in the equation and it's a much closer race. The Elvis/Beatles match up is so lame; I can't believe it's still has legs in our culture. Whatever. Anyhow, I'd pick The Beatles in both instances. That was easy, though. Give me a harder one.
Can or Neu?
Impossible to decide; they're both equally dear to me. Give me another.
Fallout Boy or Neu?
Hmmm..... Neu, I guess.
If they were to film a documentary at your job similar to The Office, how would you react to the idea?
I'd probably quit, or at least take a leave of absence during shooting. I don't want my job creeping into other areas of my life. And even if it's on a small scale, I don't want to risk being associated with something that barely reflects who I am.
Who do you respect most in the whole wide world?
Bonus Jonas
The best thing at McDonalds?
The filet-o-fish, son! Only 380 calories and 18 grams of fat. Sometimes they fuck it up and slop on way too much tartar sauce, but usually it's hella-good.
Which of your female friends would you most want to make whoopie with?
I'll give you two solid hints: she's not balding and there is at least one vowel in her name. And, if you still can't figure it out, I'll offer you one more hint: she's never played organized football.
When did you first hear the phrase "greasy spoon"?
As recently as a few years ago. I went decades without it in my vocabulary. Am I a late bloomer or is it pretty common not to hear about a greasy spoon for a good chunk of your life? I have no idea. Anyway, it was Monet, a woman I was once gaga over, who told me about it. Yeah, I know it's possible, probable even, that I heard about a greasy spoon at least a couple of times before that, but you know what, who gives a shit? Judging by what I've written above, though, it's evident that I at least gave a paragraph's amount of shit. That much we know is true. Next question.
Can you name five things you have at least once a week?
1. sushi
2. a paranoid thought accompanied by a mild wave of anxiety
3. an orgasm (don't say ewww!)
4. a pitch meeting at HBO
5. a physical altercation with a nerd, the lowest form of life
What's your primary sleep position?
I'm a side sleeper, son! We're the best of the best
Who fucking rocks?
I'll tell you who fucking rocks: Bonus Jonas!

What makes you question your intelligence?
Lots of things, but most recently when I spent more than a few minutes earlier tonight watching Road House. The only positive thing I took from the experience was seeing Ben Gazara, which reminded me I should watch Buffalo 66 again.
Would you rather go to the Museum of Science or hear a really good Bill Cosby impression?
I'm all about the Cos'. Especially if the impression involves one of his Pudding Pops commercials.
Okay, one more question and I'm out of here. It better be provocative.
What color is your hair?
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