Monday, October 27, 2008

I don't know if I'm an actor or ham, a shaman or sham

Standard Operating Procedure was fantastic. When it ended, I watched it again with Errol Morris' commentary. The film is comprised mostly of interviews with several of the soldiers who were prosecuted for their roles in the humiliation of Iraqi detainees at Abu Grahib.

Like everyone else, I was disgusted when I first saw the leaked photographs. What Morris does in this film, is show how it's possible to have a moral compass and still commit or bear witness to inhumane acts. These soldiers, who were following orders like soldiers are supposed to do, served time while the people in the upper echelons of the military who had given the orders were not even investigated. Another cover-up to add to the growing list.
I got a message the other day from someone at the insurance company that represents the woman who hit my car. He wanted to know what type of damage it incurred in the accident. After realizing that I might be able to get some money out of this, I called him back today. Someone will be coming by to take a look at my car in the next few days.
Was thinking of throwing a Halloween party, but it's a little late for that, I think. I'm looking ahead to November and a party in honor of Danny DeVito's birthday, which falls on the 17th, sounds pretty good to me.

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