Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Look at the sky, look at the river, isn't it good?

Not a bad day, though my wallet is certainly lighter after paying for some repairs to my car. I was busy at work and loved it. When things were ultra slow, the day dragged and it was a chore trying to look busy. Today, I had things to do right up until I left.

Deb's having a jewelry party at her house tonight, and most of the women I work with will be in attendance. She told me she didn't invite me because this was to be a more "girlie affair" than a regular get together. I told her not to worry, but that I may end up crashing the thing. I actually wouldn't mind seeing my coworkers outside of work. I just found out that Ellen, the spitfire suburban Republican, can drink like a sailor on shore leave and, according to Deb, most likely smokes a little ganja. Man, maybe I should crash the get together --- I may be missing out on some shenanigans.
My Uncle Stan is in rough shape according to my mother. Ever since I can remember, he's always had a cigarette going. Well, he's paid the piper over the last year or two by having a lung removed and losing most of his ability to function. He's in the hospital now as they try to figure out why his health is deteriorating so rapidly. My mother suspects a brain tumor; whatever it is, it doesn't look like something he'll easily bounce back from. I wish him well.

My grandmother is in the hospital, too. Her stay, however, will be brief, and she should be coming home tomorrow. She went because she sometimes gets a flutter in her heart and it scares her. She's doing well, though, and even though she's twenty years older than him, she's a lot more hale than Stan.
It's a rare occasion when I'll turn on the TV these days. Well, I do use it quite a bit, but only to watch dvds. I tried watching some the other day, and spent most of the ten minutes I had it on flipping the channels trying to find something good. I think it's safe to say that almost every thing on TV is shit. There's a massive amount of "so called" reality programming, that from what I can garner, really, really, really, plays to the lowest common denominator. Fortunately, when I had it on the other day, I caught a WKRP marathon in progress. That balanced things out a bit.

And there's this fucking Jon and Kate Plus Eight show that, for whatever reason, is on whenever I chance to watch a little TV. What pisses me off about it is that it sucks me in. These people annoy me so much, but I find myself devoting an alarming amount of time to it when I see that it's on. I guess I'll just have to buy the dvds; I don't know what else to do. Damn you, Jon and Kate Plus Eight!

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