Monday, September 22, 2008

Baby, I want to walk you home, there's a shadow in the basement and I'm scared to sleep alone

Recorded some more vocals tonight. I think they're keepers, but it's always good to give several listens before making a final judgment. For me, several usually ends up being in the double digits, and that's because my opinion of what is good and what is not so good varies from listen to listen. Tonight, I may think what I laid down is transcendent and not to be altered, but tomorrow I may be of the utmost certainty that my vocals --- in a word --- suck. Overall, I think I'll be pleased at the final results, even if there are moments that make me cringe.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to ask Sarah out, it's just a matter of when. I'm playing it by ear a little; she's still a bit of a mystery and, though I've had indications she'd be receptive to a courtship, there have been other indications that point to the contrary. So basically business as usual --- I'm flying blind here, but I'm taking it all in stride. One concern I had, her friendship with and resultant loyalty to Mara, has played out to be not much of a concern at all, at least on Sarah's end. If something does come out of this, though, I would want to be delicate about presenting the situation to Mara. For all I know, she'd be thrilled, but that is a dubious, at best, prospect.

Overall, I wouldn't be devastated if Sarah found the idea of seeing me distasteful; I haven't been pining over her to the detriment of my daily business, or anything, but I do like her quite bit, and I certainly find her attractive --- she has a wolfish glint in her eyes that sets me to stammer if I make eye contact with her when speaking. So, unless I'm given clear signs that she will reject me, it looks like I'll be asking her out at some point.

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