Monday, May 12, 2008

It's the dirty story of a dirty man, and his clinging wife doesn't understand

Short post tonight because.......well, just because. I need to engage in passive, rather than active, pursuits tonight or my brain will liquefy and seep out of my ears. You'd think I had a particularly stressful day, but I didn't. I did have my first day at work, but it was rather uneventful. Hardly stressful. No, I've just got a bunch of little thorns stabbing my flesh and it's starting to sting a little bit. As far as things go, it could be worse.

It occurred to me on the way home from work today that it wasn't that long ago---only a few weeks--- when I was single and working at a different job. Kind of strange. It hit me when I was telling Mara about my day. Life is change and sometimes the changes are subtle and slow in manifesting, while other times they are as aggressive and immediate as a bottle smashed in your face. I believe the changes I've gone through recently fall somewhere in between. Kind of strange, but not necessarily unpleasant.

Ok, I've written too much and I feel my ears getting wet. Time to give the contents of my skull a little recreation time.

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