Sunday, May 11, 2008

I'll show you around this alphabet town

Got the job at the law firm and I'll be starting tomorrow. Besides being good looking, affable, strikingly-intelligent, and the possessor of a pure heart---assets that win big in interviews---I think knowing Luke Warm didn't hurt my chances of securing the job. Bad news: I'll be taking a pay cut---at least initially---and I'll have a longer commute. Good news: I wasn't unemployed too long, the job will be twelve times better than Taylor Rental (I can tell already), and no matter what happens, I'll have something to put on my resume.

Just got back from my parent's house a couple of hours ago. I enjoyed seeing everyone---we also visited my grandmother at her house later on---but I could have had as much fun lounging around in bed all day.

Mara and I spent most of the weekend together. Last night we went out for sushi (I got her hooked on the Black Dragon, but couldn't sell her so much on the tuna tartar) and came back to the house to play Mastermind. I discovered early on in the game how competitive she is. On one move alone, she spent close to a half hour deciding what to do. That's right---a half hour. If it hadn't have been so humorous, I probably would thrown the board against the wall in frustration. But I didn't, and that's why she hasn't dumped me yet. I ended up winning the game. I think I'll have her call me Captain Victory.

Missed the C's game last night and thank the Lord I did. They got schooled and then some by Lebron and Co. What a bunch of sissies! Haven't won a game on the road all playoffs. At least they're being consistent.

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