Monday, June 16, 2014

If you don't take her out tonight, she's going to change her mind

Shortly, I'll be headed into Boston to see Tune-Yards with Janelle. Evangeline says she'll be there with a big crew of people from work; hope we see everyone. I'll be very surprised - chagrined, even - if this show is a bust. Ah, stranger things have happened.

I didn't eat terribly well yesterday and I felt it upon waking this morning; something akin to a hangover. I had not gone overboard, but I did indulge in some ice cream, a couple of cookies, and some Sun Chips. It's alright, it's okay to indulge once in a while, but seeing how it made me feel, I'm not exactly geared up to do it again any time soon. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned there.

A lesson I have learned is to not attempt to help people who won't help themselves. Almost always, it's a fruitless endeavor. Besides, I've got enough crap going on in my own life. Boy, do I ever!

Anyway, it gets late.


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