Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cheer up, chin up, cheer up, chin up, cheer up

It's been a busy last few days. On Saturday, I went to my parent's house and washed the new car with my dad (he commandeered the hose, while I applied the sponge). The car (a Subaru Forester, if you're curious) was covered with these little poppy seed type things that were a mother fucker to remove (took a scouring pad to do the job and, let me tell you, the job is still not done).  Because I was pressed for time, the interior only received a cursory cleaning; when the car is in my possession, I'll do a more thorough job. The previous owners weren't cleanly and, judging by the sundry crayons, juice boxes, and cracker crumbs littered inside the car, they have children. One thing left behind that didn't qualify as trash was the shit ton of change that spilled out slot machine style from the tray by the steering wheel. I'm hoping there are jewels buried in the seats. There must be. Stay tuned!

I enjoyed spending time with my father; it's not something we get to do very often. We had lunch and talked about things my mother has no interest in, like The Beverly Hillbillies, sports, Curb Your Enthusiasm, whores, that type of thing. Hold on a second: it's possible we didn't discuss whores. Regardless, it was a nice visit; these days, they hold more significance. None of us are getting younger.

Shit, it's getting  late. Probably should have held off posting until tomorrow, but I didn't want to make you have to wait another day. See how much I care about you? Anyway, I've been busy, which hasn't been such a bad thing. I got to spend a lot of time with Missy D over the weekend (I took her to Fresh Pond on Sunday and we had a grand ol' time. She may just be the perfect dog). Craig came by last night and we, too, had a grand ol' time. He also might be the perfect dog.

I've been reading The Shining. I'm surprised it's taken me this long to read it, especially since it's considered one of King's best. Maybe I felt Kubrick's interpretation of the book, which is brilliant, was enough for me. Well, I decided it was time and, after a few chapters, so far so good. I hope there's some karate in the book; it's one area I felt the film was sorely lacking.

Not exactly sure why, but I felt melancholy today. I really didn't want to be at work, didn't really want to talk to anyone. A long session of yoga after work righted the ship. Had a nice discussion with Fred afterward, followed by dinner and a shower. Feeling better. 

Thanksgiving approaches. I'll let you know how it goes. If I don't post before then, I hope, from the bottom of my pure heart, that yours is a fine one, spent in the bosom of good tidings and kinship. Me, I'll be alone in my room with a Tyson frozen dinner and M.A.S.H reruns on VHS.


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