Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sleepy time when I lie with my love by my side and she's breathing low

Get thee behind me Satan!

Just wanted to get that out of the way.

Today, the first day of summer (I'm not exactly sure it is; Fred told me this earlier), was a hot one - almost cracked 100 - but I hardly noticed, sheltered in an air-conditioned office for most of the day. When I came home, my first order of business was to put my AC in. Then I practiced yoga in the cooling oven of the day and sweat toxins (and perhaps some of God's love) for an hour. A good session and, like the previous one, I was focused throughout; nary a thought had its say.

Ever take a staple yourself? Up until today, I hadn't had the pleasure. My stapler jammed and in the process of  figuring out why, I stapled the pad of my index finger. All the way in, it went. It hurt, I bled. No, I did not cry; not because I have a high tolerance for pain, but because I haven't a tear left to cry.


I just read a story about a bus monitor in New York that was filmed being bullied by a group of students on the bus after school. I watched most of the ten minute video was saddened me to see this poor woman being tormented. A beautiful thing happened, though. The video went viral and an outpouring of support came from all over the world. Money is being raised; as of today, almost fifty thousand dollars.

The focus has shifted now. The bullying, that torrent of verbal abuse, takes a back seat to compassion and support. Say what you want about the Internet, but it has the power to work wonders in an unprecedented manner, as evidenced by Occupy Wall Street, the Kony campaign, and now this. The "news" on TV is generally a one-sided roll call of awful incidents, leaving the viewer feeling helpless and afraid.The Internet is our last bastion of free speech and not a one way street of doom and gloom. This is precisely why I fear it won't be long before our freedoms therein will be inhibited substantially. I hope that day never comes.

Anyway, reading that story bolstered my faith that there are plenty of compassionate, charitable people in the world. The more this type of thing happens, the sooner our baser instincts will dissolve. Kids may not be so quick to be little shits if they know their actions may have swift and far reaching consequences. More importantly, they'll be taking their cues from positive actions because they'll offer more rewards than negative ones.

And now, I will meditate. Good night, hatchlings.

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