Thursday, July 21, 2011

Well, I'm a funky skull and I'm a scorpio, and when I get my flow, I'm doctor on the go

Despite a periodic cough that's plagued me the last couple of days, I think I may be seeing the last of this cold. Fred came home the other day feeling sick. And, at work, Marcy is still nursing her cold. Good to know winter colds aren't confined to winter anymore.

Having re-read my last post, I don't think I would change anything. I needed to get some things off my chest and I did. I feel a bit better about things now, the despair isn't so palpable, but not much has changed. Just like everyone else, though, I do what I can and try to make the best of my situation.

Janelle came by yesterday. She always makes me feel better and always seems to know what to say or not to say. She is one of the most caring people I know and I love her a lot. She's a potent ally in this fucked up world.

My other friends are not too shabby, either. I am blessed to have them in my life and I am thankful. My problems, though, sometimes leave me feeling utterly alone and helpless. The truth is my friends and family are angels on my shoulders and they help me get by.

Listening to Radiohead's The King of Limbs on Grooveshark. As much as I love this band, it's the first time I've heard it. So far, so good.

I haven't been able to sing much lately because of my illness, but last night I felt good enough to attempt some. I ran through a bunch of my songs and it felt good. Tonight, I'll play some more. One good thing about not being able to sing is that I've been playing a lot of slide guitar. I'm getting pretty damn good, me thinks.

Practiced yoga after work and by the time I was through, I was soaked in sweat (hold that image in your minds, ladies - you won't regret it). Yes, today was a hot one. Tomorrow may be hotter. Oh, well. I'll get by.

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