So the year ended before I could finish handing out awards, but I make the rules around here, so I'll be done when I'm done. I could keep going straight through the summer and no one will be able to stop me. Lucky for you, though, I plan on wrapping things up over the next couple of posts.
Favorite Book
There are two, both by Eckhart Tolle: The Power of Now and A New Earth. Maybe I'm cheating here, but let's consider them parts one and two of the same book. Tolle arrived in my life at just the right time. I had heard of The Power of Now, but didn't pursue it because I figured I'd done enough reading on the subject of living in the present moment. I'd gotten the gist long ago. Well, Tolle doesn't offer anything new to the subject, nor does he claim to. What he did, however, was write two masterpieces that nudge the reader from all angles to the reality that now is the only thing that matters. These books resonate with me strongly. No bullshit, no messiah complex; just plainly written truth. They have have, and still are, helping to wake up, to be more conscious. I am immensely grateful.
Favorite Website
When I discovered the Find Bigfoot page on Facebook, I realized immediately how effective this forum could be in Bigfoot research. The mission statement of the page is not to prove Bigfoot exists, but to study its morphology through photographs and video. The admins put a lot of work into the site breaking down film and audio and, while I don't always agree with their claims, I always find what they post interesting.
The Invisible Woman award
In the last two months, I have only seen Ella once. And I mean that literally - I only saw her as she left the house. No words were exchanged. An Ella sighting is strikingly similar to a Bigfoot sighting. And just as rare. I didn't think it was possible to see a roommate less than when Rich was living here. Must be the room.
Gone With The Wind award
Speaking of Rich, he moved out and headed to Colorado. His exit was bittersweet, heavy on the sweet, and it just isn't the same without him. And by that I mean there's no more wall slamming, loud and constant coughing, death metal, OCD behavior (see earlier posts concerning his obsession with putting plastic on the windows), shit on the floor (detailed in older posts - gross business, to be sure), and sneezes that sounded exactly like the phonetic rendering of a sneeze in print: Ahh...Chooo! There was all that, but Rich, for all his baggage, is a good guy and there were more than a few occasions when we had a good conversation. He's overcome a lot in his life and I respect him for that. I wish him well.
My Two Favorite Pups award
None other than Pooch Edward Bottoms and the lovely Missy. One could argue that I'm partial to Pooch Edward, and I suppose that's true - we are BFFs after all - but Missy girl melts me. She is Zen and a cutie pie to boot.
When these two met, it was amore, but when I brought Pooch Edward over to Spira's on Christmas Eve, they kept to themselves. Zico ripped to shred all of Missy's toys while Missy lay on her mat, wondering when this brute was going to learn some manners. Who knows, it's still possible they may get married someday and have a bunch of puppies.
Today was a challenge and, while I handled it well, I'm glad it's through. My indirect Christmas present from my grandmother, the DVD set of The Human Condition trilogy, arrived in the mail today and I'm excited to watch it. Not sure when or who with, but I'm excited, I tells ya!
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Really cute pic! Enjoyed the awards too!
All the Best,
Thanks, Leigh. They are cute, indeed. Love the fact that you've got a game cam. Please let me be the first to know if you get a shot of a Bigfoot.
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