Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Home is wherever I'm with you

Been pretty active lately, which explains why I haven't posted in several days. I'm not ambitious enough to give a full, detailed account of what I've been up to, especially considering I'm a little pressed for time here (The days leading up to and including this weekend are looking pretty booked. Not such a bad thing). I'll be brief, which should please you to no end.

Last night, I saw Rufus Wainwright at the Opera House in Boston. Went with Spira, Pat, and Janelle. Fantastic show! His sister, Martha, opened up and later sang a few songs with him. Before the show, Spira and I were waiting for Pat at the rim of the Common and Martha walked right by us. I didn't say anything - I like to give people their privacy - but I was tempted to approach her when she walked by us the second time.

This past weekend found me doing the following:

1. Visiting my parents, which included them treating me to lunch. A nice visit. I love my parents.

2. Seeing Inception with Janelle. Yup, great movie! Probably going to see it again with Spira tomorrow. I could use a second viewing.

3. Hanging out with Spira and Hian and watching Mother, an exceptional movie made in South Korea. A true murder mystery that throws enough red herrings to make it virtually impossible to accurately predict who did it and why. I can't recommend this movie enough.

4. Cleaned the bathroom. Janelle helped me put up the new shower liners I got. Definitely a two person job.

Shoot, time's up. This episode will have to be continued. Stay tuned, readers.

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