Monday, August 9, 2010

She motioned to me that she wanted to leave, and go somewhere warm, where we'd be alone

Another Monday, another trip to the dentist. Today there were extractions. Crunch, crunch, crunch, lots of blood, lots of gauze. Why yes, I have been going to the dentist almost constantly this summer. Thanks for noticing. The light, though, has appeared at the end of the tunnel.

The problem with vivid dreams, and I'm referring to the ones that tug at your pleasure strings, is you eventually have to wake up. And when you do, and when it's a Monday and you're alone and you have to go to work, well it's not so pleasurable.

Sometime this morning, she appeared in a dream. She still haunts me. I was at the registry of deeds in Cambridge and she was there. I can't remember if we made contact. I woke up and wondered why I dreamt of her. I fell back asleep and had another dream. In this one I was in my parent's kitchen with Spira and one of her friends, an attractive brunette I had never met. I got to know her quickly. I made her laugh, which for some reason surprised me. We were getting ready to go out somewhere. We flirted some and then in a vampiric gesture, I exposed her neck and kissed it gently, which made her giggle. She held my head to her body, an indication that she was enjoying said gesture. We then went to wherever we were going and I woke up. I went back to sleep and found myself driving through Cambridge with a different woman. I was in the passenger seat, she was driving. I had the feeling we were in the early stages of a relationship. I woke up. I fell back asleep and I'm almost positive I had more dreams like the ones prior.

Waking up from that, well, blew. I guess my dream state is trying to compensate for the lack of relationships in my life. Sad, I guess, but what are you going to do. I got up and went to work. One has to carry on.

Wrote part of a song last night that has the potential to be one of my favorites. It's closer to where I'd like to see my writing go. I'm hoping to finish it soon.

I miss having conversations. You know, the ones that reach beyond present petty concerns or Jersey Shore. Look, I'm no Plato or nuttin', but I like to talk about far reaching things. I like discussing hypotheticals. I find it enriching. This world is so mysterious, however mundane we make it seem, and I find it disappointing how few people I are willing to pontificate over it. Ok, I think I'm beginning to sound like some Oxford academic with a sporty blazer and pipe who's refined the art of condescension, but I don't mean to. It's just that I like conversations, the type you can flesh out. I'll talk about a whole plethora of topics. You want to mull over existence? Let's do it! Care to discuss the pros and cons of a public education? I'm game, son. Let 'er roll. Hell, I'll even discuss Jersey Shore's Snooky, as long as it's in a context beyond the superficial, which, now that I think of it, may be impossible. Anyway, would someone fucking talk to me? I'm so god damned lonely!!!

Can you feel the angst? Good. Your first order of business, before trying to talk to me, should be feeling sorry for me. And my first order of business is to sip on some soup now that my mouth has finally stopped bleeding.


firefly collective said...
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Kevin said...

Oh, you are someone, alright. I guess I was speaking more in the general sense. It's probably just symptomatic of age, but I find it harder to just settle in to a good, thoughtful conversation these days. We've had many, you and I, and I'm thankful for it, believe me, but you're in the minority. And while I'm at it, I should stress that I don't feel people are incapable of deeper conversations, it just seems like they're not interested in having them as much. At least not with me. Anyway, to borrow and refine a much used phrase from a mutual friend, I meant no offense.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Kevin... I'm working on something intellectual to say. Ill get back with you. :)

Kevin said...

Alright, Leigh, but make sure it's something only smarty pants like you and me can understand.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Still don't have anything yet... but Im working on it! :)