Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Goodies for the table with a fable on the label

On my way to the Nashua registry I stopped, as I often do, to get some groceries at the Market Basket in Andover. I used to get off the highway and hit the one in Chelmsford, but this one is even more on the way. Because I needed a good amount of groceries, I was in the store longer than I intended, despite my efforts to be speedy. This meant I would be arriving in Nashua about fifteen minutes later than usual. Not a big deal --they never make me account for every minute I'm away from the office -- but, even though I don't plan on stopping this behavior, I don't want to take advantage too much.

I got on 495. Up ahead, the exit for Rte 3 was blocked. I drove past it, got off the highway in Chelmsford, picked up 495 in the opposite direction and attempted to pick up Rte 3 from there. That exit was blocked, too. I was forced to take the Lowell Connector and got off by the Cross Point building. I called work to let them know about the trouble I was having. Marcy checked online and discovered an accident had occurred near where I was. That was evident, judging by all the helicopters, police cars, and ambulances that were afoot.

While the situation was a grave one, I now had an alibi, if pressed, about the lost time. Didn't make me feel much better, though; my thoughts were with whoever was involved in the accident. I still don't know what happened. I managed to get onto Rte 3 from Drum Hill in Chelmsford. By the time I arrived in Nashua, I'd been on the road over an hour.

Yesterday, I could barely hear out of my left ear. Been happening off and on over the last several months. Usually, as the day progresses, my hearing returns to normal, but not yesterday. In fact, my other ear started to clog up. By the end of the day, my head felt numb and like it weighed sixty pounds.

Still, I had a good time playing guitar with Craig last night. We played some Beatles songs, a sampling from Jesus Christ Superstar, and other stuff. We should do it more often.

My hearing is fine today; my head unclogged. Ahhh. That notwithstanding, I wasn't sure whether I was coming down with something. Beginning yesterday, I've felt like I've been on the brink of a cold. I'd been around enough sick people since Thanksgiving for it to be likely. Before leaving work today, I felt tired and achy, but I'm proud to report that after some yoga and a delicious salad for dinner, I feel hale and ready to fuck some shit up, son!

Off to watch some Six Feet Under (I'm in the final stretch), watch a little Celtics action, play some music, read some Sherlock Holmes. I better get started.

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