Monday, December 28, 2009

Unchained, nothing stays the same

I could be on the verge of a cold. Last night I got the scratchy throat; it's still here. We'll see what happens. Despite not knowing what I'm doing on New Year's Eve, I'd rather not be sick during it.

I was looking forward to seeing Avatar today with Spira, but that fell through. How it did I won't get into except to say I don't think it had much, or anything to do with me. Kind of sad, the whole experience. And unfair to me, I think. I've moved on from it. Seems she ended up seeing the movie anyway with someone else. Guess our energies don't match up well these days. I'll see the movie with Janelle and whoever wants to join us in a few days. I will be very disappointed if I don't see it in the theater.

Some things don't progress the way you think they might. There's been a bit of that going around lately. Not a bad thing, necessarily, but maybe a little disappointing. To quote Mr. Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

While Janelle's in New York, me and the Baby Boy Z have christened the abode Man Town. We've been having fun. We've been playing, cuddling, napping, and taking walks. I'm thinking about getting us matching tattoos to commemorate our time together -- maybe something tribal -- but I have a feeling Janelle might not appreciate coming home to find her dog's face has been tattooed.

Going to watch me some Tudors. I love this show so much! Everything about it. So, on that note....

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