Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I was doing time in the Universal Mind

I've been fooling around with Photoshop and early on in the fooling I discovered the liquify tool. Basically, the liquify tool enables you to shrink, enlarge, pull, and distort images. It had me at hello. I began experimenting with pictures of my friends. It's fascinating how even the slightest alteration can dramatically effect one's features. And very funny. I still have a long way to go in learning all that Photoshop has to offer. Amanda said she'd give me a tutorial; she's been doing this stuff since I was in diapers. Ok, maybe not that long.

I've been practicing yoga for over a week now and can already feel the difference in my body and mind, which is to say stronger and more clear-headed. I was beginning to feel more unbalanced than I'd ever been these last few months and yoga was the perfect solution. Spira had been trying to get me to do it with her for years, but I wasn't ready. I hope I keep up with it.

It was a good weekend. Friday evening, Spira and I saw Pan's Labyrinth at the Somerville Theater. We both really enjoyed the movie, though the story was tragic. Thought provoking, to say the least. It reminded me of Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast, probably because both films were fairy tales with an adult edge.

Last night, we drove up to Penacook (or is it cock? I'm serious, I don't know), New Hampshire to attend The Kremlin and Becky's housewarming party. Jaegan (probably not spelling that correctly, but I'm close) and Moose , The Kremlin's big, black dog kept their mutual lust in check and no overt sexual displays were in effect, as they were that fateful night at The Kremlin's old house months back. For more details, reference my old blog at myspace. Leave it be, though, if you're not interested in reading about the interspecies Kama Sutra those two sick exhibitionist fucks were putting on. And if you're homophobic, you'll be equally grossed out that the sloppy sex was carried out by two males.

Not too far back, three people very close to me were in doubt as to whether they had serious illnesses, and were waiting to hear the final word from their respective doctors. Well, I'm happy to say two of them are illness free and healthy as ever, and the third I haven't heard back from. Crossing my fingers.

Well, that's it for me. I think I'm going to take a bunch of DMT and go have dinner at my parent's house. Sounds like the perfect plan to me. Of course, this will be my first time taking DMT, but what could possibly go awry?

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