Later that day, I came across these two thugs who tried putting the fear into me, but I wasn't having it. What was going on? It seemed to me that word had gotten out to the golden retriever community about my feelings regarding them, and apparently they took offense. I understand: I used to hate it when people told me I was cute or that I couldn't hurt a fly. I so badly wanted them to know that I wasn't "cute", I was rugged; and that I could indeed hurt a fly or any other of God's creatures, and in fact had done so, many, many times. But as much as I rebelled against my nature, I've since come to embrace it. I hope those golden's out there I've offended can do the same, because they're so cute and fluffy and playful. And I want them to know that I didn't mean to insult them by my comments --- I wasn't suggesting they were weak or lesser than I was--- I was only trying to illustrate my affection for them. So what do you say, guys--- truce?
1 comment:
They'll kill ya.
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