Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I've been down so god-damned long that it looks like up to me

I've been busy. So busy, I don't even have the time to get into it right now (well, maybe not that busy, but I'm sleepy and not at my best; the organism requests at least eight hours of inactivity). What I'll do, then, is pop in and say hello, let you know I still live and breathe.

Here you are: "Hello, children".

And there you go. And here I go.


Coming up on The Weaving Spider:
- A full on ball-washing of Larry McMurtry, who just may be my favorite writer in the whole wide world. I'll make a case.

- I'll provide an update on the roommate situation. I just know you've been scratching your flesh raw in anticipation. Easy, child. Go gentle on the breeze. The body is a temple, not a butcher shop.

- Billy's dark, sexy secret will be revealed!

- I will provide thoughtful and comprehensible analysis of The Walking Dead, specifically the current season's story arc. I'll tell you right now, it's been an uneven affair.

- A comparison will be made between my neighbor, Steve, and The Shitter. That might take up an entire post.

- Will my central focus in life be on the spirit? Has in not already been? Anyway, I'll try to figure it out.

Stay tuned!

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