Sunday, March 10, 2013

In the still of the night, I hear the wolf howl, honey, sniffing around your door

"Tell Kevin about your new little friend, the one you saw in the living room last night", Matt said toLaura Jane.

"New little friend? I'm intrigued", I said, positive she was about to report seeing a mouse.

"I came to the kitchen around 2:30 this morning to get some water and on my way back upstairs I saw a man in the living room."

Not a mouse, then. I peppered Laura Jane with questions about this g-g-g-ghost! in a manner that would make Spencer proud (By the way, if you want to introduce an element of excitation to your life, you should read deeply from Robert Parker's Spencer series).

Here is what I learned:

1. The man was small

2. He wore glasses

3. He gave off an odor of Swisher Sweets cigars.

4. He was looking right at her

5. He seemed harmless

6. Laura Jane professes to be clairvoyant

All of this went down yesterday. Am I afraid? No. It would have bothered me more if she had reported seeing a mouse, because then I'd have to look into the possibility of another infestation. If Laura Jane is on the level about what she saw, then she's able to tune into a particular frequency that enables her to see this type of thing. In other words, perhaps she's able to see through the veil that separates this dimension from the others. Maybe a previous tenant has been hanging around, not ready to move on. Or, and this could be equally as plausible, what she saw was an artifact a recorded image or an imprint; the supernatural equivalent to a fingerprint. None of this is anything to be afraid of.

I'm not afraid, but in the interest of full disclosure, my treks from the kitchen back up to my room have been a bit quicker. But that, my friends, could be the result of copious amounts of Adirol and nothing more. A funny side note: about an hour before I heard this news, I was getting gas and saw a Ghostbusters van in the parking lot. It was white and had the logo on either side. No number listed, however. Who you gonna call? Not Ghostbusters. I need some digits, son.


Went up to Scott and Eszter's the other night. Scott and I sequestered ourselves in his cozy studio across the way, drank Dark and Stormys, recorded some music, and talked metaphysics, spirituality, and philosophy (all three kissing cousins and almost indistinguishable). We stayed up until three and I woke up the next morning with a slight headache, but otherwise refreshed. We ate breakfast and then I drove them to South Station, where they boarded a bus to New York. I'm a big fan of those two.

I practiced some light yoga this morning. My neck, shoulder, and knee are still acting up a bit. I must tend to them with care. So light yoga it will be for the time being.

Alright, rascals, it's time to get this Sunday into gear. Wish me luck.

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