Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Don't cry no tears

No more sports radio for this guy. Over the last several months, I've been listening less and less. Now I'm pretty much done. Why? I just don't see the point. Even when I watched sports more frequently - these days, it's practically nil - it used to annoy me the way they'd beat a topic into the ground. For example, over the last several days, every time I've tuned in to one of the sports stations, they were ranting about the pros and cons of putting Adrian Gonzalez into the outfield. Really? Several days of this nonsense? Hour after hour after hour after hour. No thanks. I'll leave the never resolved, almost always banal, devotion to the excruciating minutiae of sports to the experts. I hear next week their going to break down how David Ortiz ties his shoes. I think about a hundred and fifty hours of discussion should cover it. Yup, I'm done with sports radio. Especially in the summer when all they talk about is...yawn....the Red Sox.

It's so damn muggy, but I'd like to go for a run. I'll wait until it's nearly dark. Running in this type of weather saps me of energy and turns my inner monologue into a new born baby. "Waaahhhhh! Too hot! Baby wants to stop! Baby is tired!" Ah, I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll bring along the iPod for this outing.

Got another another disc of The Pacific in the mail today courtesy of Netflix. I've been enjoying it quite a bit. Very well done. Still haven't watched 127 Hours, but I did watch Capturing The Friedmans, which was very good. Also watched Microcosmos which blew my mind. You can quote me on that.
Haven't seen Mara in a while. We don't hang out much anymore, which in a way, saddens me. But in another, bigger, way, I'm fine with it. I don't mean to disparage her in any way, but people drift apart. It happens. There was a time when I would sometimes hang out with her out of loneliness, out of a need to be with someone. It was never fulfilling, not really, because I knew I didn't want to be in a relationship with her. There was mutual comfort, but the problem was that she did want to be in a relationship with me. Once I really saw the potential ramifications of that, I made sure she understood we were "just friends". And we are, but sometimes when I hang out with her, she says things that lead me to believe she may still harbor hope for us a couple. It's not going to happen (Ok, I'll never say never, but I'm pretty sure on this one), and I've done my best to let her know that.

I guess what I'm saying is she deserves to be with someone who will love her as much she loves him. I really want that for her. What type of friend am I if I keep her hanging on with slivers of hope? For one thing, I'd be preventing her from finding someone else. It would be truly selfish and unkind.

Okay, enough of all that. I've got to see about this run. I wonder how much of a pain in the ass it will be. Stay tuned!

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