Friday, May 7, 2010

Rejoice, rejoice, we had no choice

Met up with Janelle at the House of Blues last night to see Jonsi perform. Jonsi is the front man of Sigor Ros, a band I like very much, and has been touring in support of his first solo album. We had box seats in the balcony and, man, what a show! At the rear of the stage, there were hung diaphanous screens on which animated images, that seemed to be pulled directly from someones archetypal dreams, were projected. Wolves hunting; owls and butterflies in flight; flames devouring the screen (So realistic: shades of that terrible night club fire in Rhode Island); gray, bleak, forests: All rendered in deeply moving artistic fashion.

Great show! Loved the music, the visuals, everything. The last song was a cathartic wash of sound and visuals. The music, delicate and spacious at first, slowly built in intensity until the entire hall was saturated in feedback, white noise, howling wind and lighting. Very intense and something I won't too soon forget.

Seeing the show was all Janelle's idea. Having been working less hours lately, money has been tight. Spending money on the show would have cramped my wallet's style a bit, but Janelle bought me a ticket as an early birthday present. Very sweet of her. Any of you interested in doling out early birthday presents my way, I'm not adverse to the idea at all. Bring 'em on, folks.

Driving home afterward, safely distanced from the post Red Sox game calamity, my GPS became frazzled at all the dopey twists and turns and lights and one way streets and work crews and on ramps and off ramps that occur almost all at once in Boston. It had been spot on every time I'd used it prior, but the city was too much for her. One minute it was calmly telling me where to go and the next minute it shuts up and some weird, fuzzy map of the city appeared on the screen. Look, I'm not angry or disappointed: Boston's a hell of a dizzying city to drive around in and has unnerved the best of us. You're still my boo, GPS.

It's Friday night, but I'm staying local. Why? Bruins, Celtics, The Office, recording music, Lost, and Baby Boy Z.

That's why.

1 comment:

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Sounds like some great reasons to stay home! ;)