Thursday, March 11, 2010

Me and my arrow, straighter than narrow

A record short post because I just don't feel like delving deep into something that, if covered, won't allow anything less. Just know that today my reaction to one person's antics can be summed up with "You've got to be fucking kidding me!". And know also that if it weren't for the friendly people I encountered everywhere I went today, I would have been more aggravated than I was, which was plenty. Today, I ruminated about loyalty, about sticking up for your friends when it's called for. I came to the conclusion that at least one person I'm close with has done the opposite. I'm okay with that. I'm trying to accept people for who they are. Trying to take the high road.

Okay, maybe not the shortest post ever, but it won't be a long one, to be sure. Sorry if I was too vague. The dust needs to settle a little and then, maybe, I'll elaborate. It may not seem so, but I'm in pretty good spirits. I'm just bedraggled and need to regroup. Things are changing and not really in a bad way. Well, maybe for one or two people. There I go being vague again. Best I end this before you really get upset with me.

One more thing: the latest episode of Lost was sublime! Positively sublime!


Kate said...

I must say that it can definitely be frustrating when you are so vague in your writing but that is your prerogative, I suppose. I try not to let it get me upset. However, I can see why that whole "vague-booking" thing can get on people's nerves especially if someone does it too much. But, I will say that it sounds as if you have stuff that you want to say but are either not sure if your blog is the place to say it or if you even want to divulge it at all. I know the feeling.

Kevin said...

I didn't intend on being short on details when I began writing, but a combination of things--two of which you alluded to and a lack of energy-- prevented me from going all out. Re-reading the post makes me wonder why I wrote anything at all. And it supports the notion I've had of quitting the blog, or at least not getting into sticky subject matter.Maybe I need to move on to something else that
s fresh. Maybe with this I've become stagnant. I think, in the final analysis, I just needed to write something, to vent. I had a strange day today, ripe with complex and unsettling feelings. Too much to tackle tonight, couldn't process it all. Oddly, I felt like I was treated with more warmth and kinship by near strangers than I was in my interactions with people closer to me.Perhaps it signaled a change I'm going through, a changing of the guard.It got me thinking about how I'm perceived by those who know me best. Sometimes I'm not sure. Today I had my ideas. Tomorrow is another day, I'll move on.