Friday, June 12, 2009

Shock me, make me feel better

A short post tonight. I've things that need tending to, not least of which is finishing up some songs for tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll make some headway in that regard.

I hope to devote a future post to zoophelia and my thoughts concerning it. I watched a documentary about the subject, Zoo, with Spira the other night. Disturbing, oddly touching, and provocative. So, if you dare, stay tuned for what will most certainly be a riveting post. If you've got a rigid mind and queasy gut, you'll do well to avoid it.

Felt pretty good today, more energetic and resourceful. The sun making its first appearance in several days helped matters. Sure, things still suck in some areas, but I'm feeling pretty good. Let's leave it at that, before I get all negative and shit.

Almost through Chopra's Life After Death. It's been indispensable, especially lately. The chapter on reincarnation was particularly illuminating.

I watched You Can Count On Me the other night. I've seen it several times and I learn something new with each viewing. A well written and well acted drama. See it if you have emotions.

Back to music. Peace.

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