Friday, June 26, 2009

And you know she's half crazy, but that's why you want to be there

I went to the Cambridge Registry of Deeds this morning to do some recording for Jeff. He sat me down at the end of the day yesterday, walking me through what he needed recorded. It was a complicated affair, but Jeff did a serviceable job explaining to me how things needed to be done.

It went well at the Registry. The woman attending me in Registered Land was pleasant and looked enough like Carla on Scrubs for me to form an instant crush. It was fleeting, and not because of Carla, but because I had a good amount of thinking to do. No time for flirting, no dreamy visions of us as a couple. All business today. I'll see her again, I'm sure, and, on the souls of all my friends and family, I will take her as my wife!
Earlier on the phone, Spira told me she's had dealings with a ghost recently. I'm looking forward to hearing about it, though Spira wasn't so sure about that.

"You don't sound very shocked. I thought you'd be shocked", she said.

"Don't confuse shocked with intrigued. I'm not shocked because I believe in this stuff and have had my own encounters with the paranormal. I am, however, intrigued, and can't wait to hear your tale."

"Ok, good, because this is a good story."

Now I'm thinking about g-g-g-hosts!! I fear I won't be able to sleep tonight. Looks like the only way to remedy the situation is to get hammered. Yeah, duuuude!

I was going to write about Michael Jackson. Maybe another time. I'll have to squeeze him in my oft-promised zoophelia post. Stay tuned.

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