Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm a boy, I'm a boy, but my mom won't admit it

Yesterday was a day of head pain, fever, fatigue, dizziness. Watching Lost with Mara wasn't easy. Even though it was a great, informative, episode, I struggled against nodding off.

Today, not as much head pain, but I hurt everywhere else. The fever came in spurts and so did the stabbing pain behind my right eye. I was so fatigued throughout the day that I was constantly wiping tears from eyes. Add the running faucet of a nose, and you've got one un-sexy day at work.

I made an action-packed salad for dinner, accompanied by a tall glass of OJ, which I hope will help combat the illness. Presently, I feel alright, but who knows what's around the bend.

I haven't had the strength to practice yoga or run this week, which couldn't be helped, but still bothered me. I wish my body was as pure as my heart.

Watched The Fall with Janelle tonight. My third and her first viewing of the film. She really enjoyed it and so did I, as much, or more than the first time.

Probably could write more, but it's getting late and I probably should have been in bed an hour ago. How invested am I, really, in getting better? Hmmm...

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