Sunday, February 22, 2009

But, it's alright, 'cause some enchanted night I'll be with you

Sick most of the weekend and didn't do much. I feel much better than I did last week, and hope to return to good health shortly.

I read from Sin Killer and Suttree on and off. I'm almost done the former and about halfway there with the latter. I stopped over Mara's for a visit today, and while she took a call, I saw The Road resting on a table and commenced to reading from it. As I did, I wished I was reading it for the first time. What an experience that was for me. Bleak, gray, and chilling, yes, but a vivid, wonderful, read. Mara's almost through with it and, as with my co-worker Diane, who is also reading it, desires to read something light and fluffy next. I would have suggested Blood Meridian, but considering it makes The Road look like a David Sedaris offering, I stilled my tongue.

Just finished watching the first disc of Lonesome Dove. Never saw it before, but as astute readers of mine know, I read the book a couple of months ago. Surprisingly faithful to the novel, I figured since it was made for TV, they'd have to skirt around some of the dicier moments, but so far they've been on full display.

Ok, I'm off to greener pastures. Perhaps some song writing, perhaps some PS2 B-ball, perhaps, perhaps. Cheers.

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