Thursday, July 10, 2008

Betty came by on her way, said she had a word to say about things today and fallen leaves

Once again, Neflix, the service I'd been hard pressed to criticize, has disappointed me. The last few movies I've rented, have been unwatchable in certain sections, even after giving the discs a thorough cleaning. Having the image pixilate and then freeze on me at the end of Wild Strawberries didn't exactly fill me with glee. I pieced it all together---not too difficult, since it was an existential drama, and not Shamalayan-esque thriller I was watching---but, no one wants a film they're enjoying to end like that. O' Netflix, t'was once you held my trust in your steady grip, but now....

I'll give 'flix a chance to redeem itself when I watch I Am Legend tonight. Of course, I may opt not to watch it tonight and reserve it for the weekend. We'll see.

If I was single, I would ask my coworker Anne out. I am not, however, single, so, at least in the short term, it's not going to happen. She's pretty, funny, exceptionally kind, and has an endearing awkwardness about her. Wow, no wonder I like her: she's exactly like me!

My friend Brian proposed the idea of creating a cd of a bunch of our friend's songs. I think it's a great idea and about time. I said I'd do it provided the cover has a picture of me in the bathtub gazing sexily at a picture of me. Maybe black & white; that'd be classy I think.

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