Monday, September 17, 2007

God's own son is going home

Robert Jordan, author of the ambitious and unfinished Wheel of Time cycle, passed away yesterday at the age of 58. In March 2006, Jordan announced that he had been diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis, a rare blood disorder that attacks the organs and caused the walls of Jordan�s heart to thicken. After battling the disease for nearly two years, Jordan died from complications from primary amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy.

Jordan was one book away from completing the Wheel of Time. I picked up Eye of the World, the first book in the series, my first year out of high school. I've been reading ever since, though the pace had slowed to a crawl in the last few installments, and Jordan's death puts into question whether and in what manner the last book will be completed. According to a family member who helped Jordan keep an active blog during his illness, Jordan made preparations for the book to be finished should he pass away before its completion. The book, entitled A Memory of Light, will be a bitter sweet read. I've spent over a decade invested in the story and now that Jordan won't be around to see it wrapped up, will make the read all the more emotional.

Tonight I'm going to watch Werkmeister Harmonies, a film by the Hungarian filmmaker, Bela Tarr. I've been itching to see this purported bleak masterpiece for a while now. I'm very much looking forward to viewing it. His last film was over seven hours long, so I know this guy isn't catering to the Hollywood machine.

I went back to Shaws and bought another rug for our dining room. Overall, we got three rugs for under twenty smackers. Not bad. The house is looking better and these days I'm more inclined to hang out downstairs more often. The reign of Bob TV is behind us and we greet a new era.

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