Many people will watch this and say "Well, of course he got tasered; he was resisting arrest." And why was he being arrested, or at the very least, removed bodily from the auditorium? Oh, yeah, because he was asking John Kerry some questions. What a treasonous punk! He must really, really, really hate his country to pull that kind of stunt. As you all know, asking questions is right up there with rape and murder---maybe worse. Apparently the fool thought he'd get away with his treasonous actions, but law enforcement, our proud boys in blue who love our country and what it stands for more than anything else in the world, had other plans for this Al Queida sympathizer. Guess it was the Skull & Bones question t'was the treasonous straw that broke the camel's back. Strange, because the Skull and Bones is just a silly club out of Yale that nut-job conspiracy theorists love to make into something sinister and all powerful. Anyway, the little shit deserved what he got, and much, much more, because, you know, he was really annoying asking questions that no one wanted to hear. Hopefully, they'll find a nice cell for him at Guantanimo.
Oh, and to those of you wondering why this treasonous coward needed to be tasered since he was already on the ground prostrate, overpowered by five, count 'em, five cops, well, isn't it obvious? He was a jerk. And besides, it's a rush tasering defenseless people with 50,ooo volts of electricity. Wish I was there to have joined in the fun.
Viva New World Order !
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