Monday, April 23, 2007

Cute and happy in the sun

Yesterday didn't go exactly as planned, but it was a great day. I helped Spira bring some boxes up to her apartment, and afterward we went to Mr. Crepe's in Davis Sq for some, you guessed it, crepes. Mine was comprised of chicken, goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, spinach, and some other gratifying ingredients.

Following that, we returned to my apartment and set to work on the couch with the steam cleaner. The couch's true nature is white, but over the years it has taken on a weathered, battered look. To little avail did the steam-cleaner work, but after two turns at the couch, it was evident that something was different about it. I usually reserve my feelings about it while in its presence so as not to offend the poor, helpless thing, but away from it I plot its demise and daydream about its softer, cleaner replacement. If I could explain the concept of change to the couch in a way it would understand, then this need for concealment would not be necessary.

Spira left for home in the afternoon, and as I watched her walk to her car from the kitchen door, cute and happy in the sun, I was hit with the knowledge that this image will reappear later in my life, and be remembered as one of the sweet ones.

Last night was all about the Kevin. I read from Cormac McCarthy's "The Road" (not at Oprah's behest, mind you), watched the "Soprano's" stagger its way to it's final episode in ways touching and tragic. Then I watched a dvd of the first season of "Extras", one of the funniest and most intelligent comedies I've ever seen. After that, more reading: I finished up Steven Erikson's "House of Chains", and then moved on to his next work in the series, "Midnight Tides. And floating through the cracks of these activities, were the sounds of My Bloody Valentine. For reading purposes, I selected a classical station on our tv's digital set up and lay on the couch with a blanket.

Bob TV returns from Nashville some time today and my days of independence will be over. I used my time wisely, for a change, and managed an effective combination of chores and recreation.

When I'm done with this, I will read and try to watch "The Matador" at some point. I've been waiting for days like this and to my pleasure, they've arrived. I am grateful.

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