Friday, April 18, 2014

You pulled the trigger on my love gun

I left a bottle of sparkling water in the freezer overnight. I took it out about an hour ago and it's still mostly frozen. I'm so thirsty right now and I know if I unloosen that cap, there will be a violent spray of wet havoc. I can't have that, so I'm I'm going to be a patient yogi and wait a bit longer. I intend to practice some yoga; not much, just enough to ease some of the stress of the day.  Maybe when I'm through, the water situation will have improved.

I just did the right thing and purchased Brian Eno's Apollo: Atmospheres And Soundtracks. It's a hazy, dreamy and utterly gorgeous piece of music. Reminds me a bit of Popul Vuh's Herzog soundtracks. I'm being careful with spending these days of light wallet, but the eleven smackers this cost me was worth every cent. Last night I purchased a few books by Swami Vivekananda, and a couple by Paramahansa Yogananda for under four bucks. I love you, Kindle! One of the Yogananda books is an instruction manual on how to perform kriya yoga (in a nutshell a meditation practice that is meant to accelerate one's spiritual evolution). Ever since reading his Autobiography of A Yogi years ago, I've been interested in learning the techniques. I came to discover it wasn't readily available, and if the accounts of kriya yoga's effects are to be believed, I can understand why. I gave it a shot last night and definitely did not have a knack for it. That will come later. I'll tell you, though, some pretty far out stuff went down.

So what I'm trying to tell you is that I just enhanced my life for under twenty dollars. Not bad, even for a poor lost soul like myself.

I've been watching all kinds of videos of the band Kiss on YouTube. Interviews with Paul Stanley, performances of Love Gun, audio selections from Gene Simmons autobiography, you name it. I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm not even much of a fan, though they were my first concert and their early stuff is pretty solid.


The weekend is here and I am thirsty. Hurry up and melt, you damned dirty ape!

Peace, children

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