Sunday, December 22, 2013

Though we live on the US dollar, you and me, we've got our own sense of time

I'm listening to Heinrich Schutz's Symphoniae Sacrae. I'd been listening quite a bit to Monteverdi over the last couple of weeks and Schutz seemed like a logical extension. Not as immediately gripping and sensual as Monteverdi, particularly his Un Concert Spirituel, but pleasant in its way. Not pleasant enough, as it happens, because I just switched back to Monteverdi. Eff you, Schutz-ey.

I finished The Dark Tower and it indeed was bittersweet. I know there were people who didn't enjoy the ending, but I think it's absolutely perfect. No other book of his that I've read ended as well. You pulled it off, King. Your Magnum Opus.

I walked over to Porter Square yesterday after yoga and meditation and I felt relaxed and open with still mind. I hit the bookstore and picked up a copy of Hesse's Siddhartha, which I'm about halfway through already. Hadn't read it in years; glad I thought to get it. I had been of a mind to read Narcissus And Goldmund, but there wasn't a copy at the store.

I ended up doing a lot of reading yesterday. I read from Mark Twain's The Mysterious Stranger and Other Stories, Edgar Allan Poe's Collected Works, and Siddhartha. It was an approach to reading I seldom engage in, this switching back and forth, but it worked rather well.

Feeling creative these last few days. I have a couple of new songs that I really like but need lyrics (big surprise). To ease the weight of expectation I put on myself, I've been plugging away at them in increments. I figure every time I spend time with them, no matter in which capacity, they're one step closer to completion. It's true: Idle hands are the devil's playthings.

Well, I should be off. There are things to do.  

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