Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Though your confidence may be shattered, it doesn't matter

I post so little these days, but maybe that's for the better. Or maybe not. How should I know? The lack of output has come from being busy and being lazy. When I've have a lot going on, posting hasn't been much of an option and when, like the last couple of days, I haven't had much going on, I haven't been inspired to write. It's just the way things have been going. In case you're on the verge of taking a glowing branding iron to your face over  fear the blog is ending, still your hand, child: I have no intention of pulling the plug. Not yet.

A nice long weekend just breezed by and I'm wondering where it went. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I saw the latest Star Trek installment with Spira the other night. Loved it! J.J. Abrams brought the ruckus on every front. I'm eager to see what he does with Star Wars. I anticipate it will be nothing short of amazing.We had some Vietnamese food before the movie, which caused blissful tears to cascade down our porcelain-smooth faces. It may be my favorite food in the whole wide world. Those fresh rolls.....so effin sublime.

Undaunted Courage, Stephen Ambrose's book about Lewis and Clark arrived on Friday and I've been reading from it often. I've also moved on from Wizard and Glass in my Dark Tower re-read to Wolves of The Calla. And let's not forget David Lee Roth's Crazy From The Heat, which I found in a box on the sidewalk as Craig and I made our way over to Yoshi's last week. It's been an interesting read so far. You may not know this about me, but I was obsessed with Van Halen throughout most of my youth. A bit of a nostalgia trip, this.

The weekend also found me toiling away at recording. Didn't get as much accomplished as I would have liked, but there was output. Slow and steady wins the race, children. It was a quiet house this weekend, too, which was ideal for recording. Fred was in New York and Evangeline wasn't here much (even when she is, she's as quiet as one of them there church mouses). Maybe I should have done more, but whatever. I did other stuff. Like....

Yoga. I've changed up the practice a bit; it's been intensified to some degree but with an emphasis on fluidity and mindfulness. As a result, I've been feeling stronger than usual. Don't mess with me, son! I haven't been as consistent with meditation this weekend, but I did practice some. I haven't been a complete slug, you know.

Yesterday, I picked Nana up and we met my mom and my sister's family at the cemetery in Lexington to lay some flowers down for my dad, grandfather, and uncle. I was more broken up this time than when I was the last time I was there. I can't believe it's almost been six months. It still hurts. Afterward, we went out for lunch and then I brought Nana home. We had a good talk. She is an amazing woman. At 96, she is still sharp and lucid. Her body is wearing down, but not her mind.

And that is that. I'll be back, suckas! P.s. Didn't see the samurai exhibit at the MFA this weekend in case you were wondering (I'm only mentioning it because I made the bold claim in my last post that I'd be recounting my experience there. Oh, and I also said I'd riff about Stalker, Tarkovsky's dreamy sci-fi film. It left more questions than answers, but I enjoyed it. Very hypnotic and, despite the limited dialog, layered. I will watch it again.)

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