I don't care to relieve the event, except to say that, just as the
Just had a good session of yoga and I feel as light as a feather. A shower will take place at some point and all I can you for sure is that it's going to be a hot one and I will most assuredly be listening to some music throughout. I may even blog about it. Stay tuned, you rabid wolves!
Work has been busy. Considering how close we were to closing shop not that long ago, the steady and increasing work has been a blessing. Besides increased hours and more money, it's been gratifying having a lot of work to accomplish. The days go by quicker, the brain gets stimulated.
Let's pause and look at Missy D. Ain't she purty? Oh, how I love this girl!
I feel like I'm on the precipice of getting laid. Believe it or not, readers, I have options. Will I pursue them is the question. Maybe, and here's why: I'M FUCKING HORNY! Oh, and my heart is as pure as a toddler's kiss.
From page 35 of Facebook Etiquette For Beginners:
A good way to be blocked or de-friended is to post many links to songs or videos in one sitting. For example, if you're sitting around listening to music for a couple of hours and decide you want to share that experience with your friends by posting EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SONG YOU'RE LISTENING TO, it's important to remember that your friends, while maybe interested in what you're providing, will have to scroll down and down and down through your playlist before they can see what's going on with their other friends.It can be overwhelming, this eruption of material. Rule of thumb is that a little goes a long way. Instead of spewing out song after song after song after song after song after song after song after song after song after song, you may want to consider posting quite a bit less, say no more than three at once. This way you give your friends the courtesy of not monopolizing their wall with an army of songs they may or may not be interested in listening to. By not over-saturating, you're more likely to get people to check out what you're posting. In short, calm the fuck down.
Bye, lovers.
Wow... I need to do some catching up! Good luck on getting laid! Make sure when you do, post on your facebook! You can never over-saturate on a hot piece of @$$. lol
Wait, I mean... Jesus... I soooo didnt mean that the way it came out. I meant over saturate as in posting about the juicy stuff.. I mean... grrr. Screw it...
Leigh, I think you were right the first time. I just hope I'm up for the task ;).
And thanks for the laugh.
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