Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A rare and blistering sun shines down on Grace Cathedral Park

Memorial weekend ended with me in bed, overrun by chills, a blossoming headache, and an a swollen throat. It started well, though. In fact, most of it was satisfying. I was able to have some quiet time, which I needed and which found me reading, meditating, napping, and engaging in other activities that don't require the involvement of more than one person.

Went to a cookout with Spira on Saturday. I had a good time, but I don't think I'll include the event in my autobiography or relate it during a first date. What I didn't fancy about it was A) It was a bit cramped on the narrow porch where we congregated and, consequentially, a forced intimacy hovered over every interaction. That would have been desirable if, say, I was flirting with a pretty fraulein, but there weren't any there I was interested in. B) It seemed the majority of the people there worked together and took the opportunity to talk about work, which bored the living shit out of me. It's been a long time since I've had a job that consumes me so much  I need to explore its painful depths outside of it. In that regard, I am blessed.

As I say, though, I had a good time. I ate some free food and had fun with Spira. You can really gauge how close you are with someone when you're immersed in a group of people each of you doesn't know that well. More than once, she'd be the only one laughing at one of my jokes, and vice versa. We didn't stay overly long and headed back to Spira's, where I managed to catch the end of game 7 of the Celtcs/Sixers series.

Got to spend the day with Janelle and Baby Boy Z yesterday. We drank iced chai at True Grounds, hung out at the park, and had sushi at Yoshi's. Janelle is one of my all time favorites; I love spending time with her. And of course the Baby Boy. Him, too.

I think it was the Super Dragon that did me in. I had gone to Yoshi's the day before for some Black Dragon sushi. It had been months and months since my last go at it. It was divine! Still feeling the positive vibes from my Yoshi's experience I was grateful for a second opportunity when Janelle and I ended up there. This time it was the Super Dragon, which, though not stated anywhere on the menu, seems like it's supposed to be a level or two up from the Black Dragon. Along with it, we ate edamame and avocado salad.

Afterward, we walked back to my place and Janelle and Zeekers headed home. The minute I walked back into the house, I was assaulted with the chills, a headache, and scratchy throat. No slow build up, only BAM, MUTHA FUCKA! I went up to my room and got on the computer. I lasted about a minute before I had to put on some pants and a long sleeved shirt. When that didn't do the trick, I wrapped myself in a blanket and shivered.

In the midst of this turmoil, Matt called me from Davis Sq., asking if we still had power. I told him we did. "I was just at the coffee shop and the power went out. Right as it did, I felt this weird surge of energy, and so did a couple of other people around me. Messed up!"

I got off the phone with him as quickly as I could. I was in my own messed up situation. I got into bed under three layers of blankets. It took several minutes the aggressive shivering to subside. I was incredibly fatigued and kept falling in and out of sleep. I listened to a Duncan Trussell podcast, watched the rest of The Saddest Music In The World, and then listened to a talk given by Ram Dass, which I fell asleep to almost immediately.

I slept well, though I  woke up every hour or so to adjust my position. I feel more hale today, albeit still fatigued and a little head-achey. If it wasn't the first day back after a long weekend, I probably would have stayed home.

I reckon I'll take it easy tonight and hit the hay early. As to what made me so  suddenly sick, I suspect food poisoning, if only because of the timing and relatively short duration. I don't know, though, and I don't really care that much. I'm just glad I'm feeling better.

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