Thursday, April 5, 2012

I put my feet up on the coffee table, I stay up late watching cable, I like old movies with Clark Gable, just like my dad did when he was home

Just about through with the Ram Dass book. When I pick it up I vibrate just at the edge of my perception. It's a pleasant feeling. Reading about the saints of India makes my heart coo.

A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog vendor and says "Make me one with everything".

Get it? Take five and compose yourself. Didn't mean to blast you into fits of laughter. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Been processing some fairly heavy stuff. Not sure I'm ready to articulate any of it here- need to make sense of it first - but it's made my head heavy and clogged and I do not like it. So, guess what I do? I cackle and screech like a newborn baby, laid out fresh into this hostile world, mewling in uncontrolled and embarrassing fits.

Nope. What I really do is much cooler and adult and sexy. Nope, not sexy and probably not very cool, but better than being a baby. I meditate, I practice yoga, I jerk off, I laugh, I read, I see friends, I sleep, I howl, I watch shows, I take hot soaks to the sounds pulsing out of my iPod. These things help.

I'm several episodes into Breaking Bad (I just resumed watching after taking a break from it for a couple of months) and it seems I don't share the same level of enthusiasm for it that others do. This is not to say I don't enjoy the show. It's really well done but so far it doesn't resonate that much with me. I'll stick with it; I wasn't that fond of The Wire at first, but in time I concluded that it was of supreme quality.

Kafka's The Trial arrived in the mail today. I'll dig in tonight. Last time I saw Sean he told me had just finished it and thought I'd really enjoy it. I'll find out soon.

On the highway yesterday, I came upon an SUV in the breakdown lane engulfed in flames. A brown horn of smoke undulated from it like a demonic umbilical cord. I was in the far right lane when I passed it, almost too close for comfort. I felt safe, though; I was about ten feet away from the pyre. But damn if I didn't feel its heat! For several seconds my car was like an oven.

Recently bought some egg roll wraps and have been experimenting. Tonight I made one with chicken and mushrooms that had been stir fried in honey teriyaki sauce, a slice of roasted sweet potato, goat cheese, alfalfa sprouts, and baby greens. And I ate it, too.

I noticed that both of The Human Centipede movies are streaming on Netflix. While it's true I have little interest in watching what I'm sure is extremely vulgar and ugly, I've got to admit my curiosity level is pretty high. I think I'll try to watch it with other people. We could put money on it. Last person still watching wins. I would not be that person, I think.

The weekend is here. I am glad.

Let's all be glad!

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