No more sports radio for this guy. Over the last several months, I've been listening less and less. Now I'm pretty much done. Why? I just don't see the point. Even when I watched sports more frequently - these days, it's practically nil - it used to annoy me the way they'd beat a topic into the ground. For example, over the last several days, every time I've tuned in to one of the sports stations, they were ranting about the pros and cons of putting Adrian Gonzalez into the outfield. Really? Several days of this nonsense? Hour after hour after hour after hour. No thanks. I'll leave the never resolved, almost always banal, devotion to the excruciating minutiae of sports to the experts. I hear next week their going to break down how David Ortiz ties his shoes. I think about a hundred and fifty hours of discussion should cover it. Yup, I'm done with sports radio. Especially in the summer when all they talk about is...yawn....the Red Sox.
It's so damn muggy, but I'd like to go for a run. I'll wait until it's nearly dark. Running in this type of weather saps me of energy and turns my inner monologue into a new born baby. "Waaahhhhh! Too hot! Baby wants to stop! Baby is tired!" Ah, I'll give it a shot. Maybe I'll bring along the iPod for this outing.
Got another another disc of The Pacific in the mail today courtesy of Netflix. I've been enjoying it quite a bit. Very well done. Still haven't watched 127 Hours, but I did watch Capturing The Friedmans, which was very good. Also watched Microcosmos which blew my mind. You can quote me on that.
Haven't seen Mara in a while. We don't hang out much anymore, which in a way, saddens me. But in another, bigger, way, I'm fine with it. I don't mean to disparage her in any way, but people drift apart. It happens. There was a time when I would sometimes hang out with her out of loneliness, out of a need to be with someone. It was never fulfilling, not really, because I knew I didn't want to be in a relationship with her. There was mutual comfort, but the problem was that she did want to be in a relationship with me. Once I really saw the potential ramifications of that, I made sure she understood we were "just friends". And we are, but sometimes when I hang out with her, she says things that lead me to believe she may still harbor hope for us a couple. It's not going to happen (Ok, I'll never say never, but I'm pretty sure on this one), and I've done my best to let her know that.
I guess what I'm saying is she deserves to be with someone who will love her as much she loves him. I really want that for her. What type of friend am I if I keep her hanging on with slivers of hope? For one thing, I'd be preventing her from finding someone else. It would be truly selfish and unkind.
Okay, enough of all that. I've got to see about this run. I wonder how much of a pain in the ass it will be. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
There's a fog upon L.A.
Grooveshark is a cool website. Listening to Portishead's album, Third. Pandora pales in comparison to this site. Hey, don't get uptight. I'm just saying....
It was Saturday afternoon and I still hadn't heard back from Rae. I ran through my mind the possible reasons why she hadn't responded. Even though it seemed unlikely that a technical glitch in our email correspondence was the culprit, I was hoping that was the case. My gut seemed to think so. I had trouble accepting any other reason.
Turns out, it was a technical problem. Late Saturday afternoon, I got a call from Nicole, the person we would have gone with if Rae had declined our offer. She had just received an offer from another place, but liked ours a little better. She wanted to get a sense of what her chances were with us. At this point, pretty damn good, I thought. I told her she was on a short list of people we liked and that I'd let her know our decision no later than Sunday evening.
After I got off the phone with her, I emailed Rae, asking her to get back to me, even if she didn't have a definitive answer for us. If I didn't hear from her by Sunday night, I would offer the place to Nicole. I felt better knowing we'd have someone in place for July. Still, and this is no slight against Nicole, who would have probably been a decent fit, I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Rae not moving in. I took for granted that she'd accept our offer. It seemed as if it were preordained.
Not long after I sent her the email, Rae got back to me. She wrote that she had sent me an email, but it somehow got lost in the chain. It was true. Below, she forwarded the message I never received. It read:
Oh my gosh, YES!! Kevin, that is so terrific, I'm so glad you guys felt good about this, I was so excited too! I was actually sort of avoiding my email because I was expecting a "thanks for your interest, but..." letter, but this is the best possible scenario!
Would you be interested in meeting Mike maybe sometime this weekend? I certainly don't want to push him on you, but we'll be around the neighborhood.
Thank you so much, this is awesome! I'm so excited, and I think this is going to be a great fit!
Boy, was that a relief reading that message. Strange how that happened, but it happened before with Ella when we asked her to move in. Weird.
Rae came by last night with Mike, her cute little greyhound mix. I really feel like she's going to be a good fit. I won't jump the gun too much, but I'll be very surprised if she's a bust. On paper, at least, she fits almost to a T what I want in a roommate. Again, I'm not going to jump the gun. We'll see how things go as they go.
Janelle is almost completely moved out. It will be an adjustment with her and Pooch Edward gone. It hasn't really sunk in yet.
Just looked at the clock. Other things need my attention. Peace out!
It was Saturday afternoon and I still hadn't heard back from Rae. I ran through my mind the possible reasons why she hadn't responded. Even though it seemed unlikely that a technical glitch in our email correspondence was the culprit, I was hoping that was the case. My gut seemed to think so. I had trouble accepting any other reason.
Turns out, it was a technical problem. Late Saturday afternoon, I got a call from Nicole, the person we would have gone with if Rae had declined our offer. She had just received an offer from another place, but liked ours a little better. She wanted to get a sense of what her chances were with us. At this point, pretty damn good, I thought. I told her she was on a short list of people we liked and that I'd let her know our decision no later than Sunday evening.
After I got off the phone with her, I emailed Rae, asking her to get back to me, even if she didn't have a definitive answer for us. If I didn't hear from her by Sunday night, I would offer the place to Nicole. I felt better knowing we'd have someone in place for July. Still, and this is no slight against Nicole, who would have probably been a decent fit, I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of Rae not moving in. I took for granted that she'd accept our offer. It seemed as if it were preordained.
Not long after I sent her the email, Rae got back to me. She wrote that she had sent me an email, but it somehow got lost in the chain. It was true. Below, she forwarded the message I never received. It read:
Oh my gosh, YES!! Kevin, that is so terrific, I'm so glad you guys felt good about this, I was so excited too! I was actually sort of avoiding my email because I was expecting a "thanks for your interest, but..." letter, but this is the best possible scenario!
Would you be interested in meeting Mike maybe sometime this weekend? I certainly don't want to push him on you, but we'll be around the neighborhood.
Thank you so much, this is awesome! I'm so excited, and I think this is going to be a great fit!
Boy, was that a relief reading that message. Strange how that happened, but it happened before with Ella when we asked her to move in. Weird.
Rae came by last night with Mike, her cute little greyhound mix. I really feel like she's going to be a good fit. I won't jump the gun too much, but I'll be very surprised if she's a bust. On paper, at least, she fits almost to a T what I want in a roommate. Again, I'm not going to jump the gun. We'll see how things go as they go.
Janelle is almost completely moved out. It will be an adjustment with her and Pooch Edward gone. It hasn't really sunk in yet.
Just looked at the clock. Other things need my attention. Peace out!
Friday, June 24, 2011
You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold
Ah, Friday. Where have you been all my life? A busy week, but not bad. We interviewed potential roommates, I caught up with friends old and new, I ran, practiced yoga. Laughed and cried. Whimpered and bellowed.....
Nope, I didn't whimper or bellow or cry, though I did laugh on several occasions. I was glad to have met the apartment candidates. One, named Nicole, is an author who just got back from New Mexico living with wolves. Another, Shannon, is a world traveler, a Jacqueline of all trades, and regaled us with interesting tales of living in Asia, touring Canada with ballet company, and entering into a relationship with someone she lived with. And she is very pretty. She stayed almost two hours before I pulled the plug. She's someone I'd enjoy hanging out with, but my gut begged off the notion of living with her.
Rae, the one we like best and the one who still hasn't replied to my email asking her to move in (it's been about twenty four hours; a little antsy), lives nearby and had met Janelle and Zico a few months earlier at the park. Rae had been with her Italian Greyhound, Mike. Janelle refreshed my memory that she and I had spoken about the meeting after it happened. We shared a laugh over how funny it is when people give their dogs decidedly human names. Fred and I liked Rae quite a bit. She seems very friendly, but not overbearing. She also, and this is the chief reason why I want to live with her, seems easy to boss around. I would like very much to air out my latent sadist tendencies. Let's see how far we go with manipulation. Air it out, I say! It's time to dominate, son!
Anyway, I emailed Rae and, as pleasantly and eloquently as I could muster, I asked her to move in with Fred and me. There's a good chance she hasn't responded yet because she's weighing her options. She was, however, enthusiastic about the place. We'll see. It's getting down to the wire.
I started writing a song the other night and I knew I could make it sound lovely. I tossed some ideas around and then it struck me that I'd already written the song, only forgotten it. I pieced it back together and was baffled as to why it had slipped through the cracks. It's not that old, was never entirely finished, but I always loved playing it. I thought it was dark and pretty.
Welcome back, song!
Bridget was over the other day and told me she was going to make a Stanley Cup out of diapers as a baby shower gift for her sister. I told her, and without exaggeration, that it was the best thing I'd heard in the last ten months. It rivals anything Edison, Tesla, or Franklin ever came up with.
Yesterday, I received a text with a picture of her efforts.

Might go watch an installment of The Pacific. So far I've been impressed.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Just in case we have to part
I am sleepy. Last night, I stayed up later than I wanted to; the heat and an awakened mind were the culprits. Because of our reduced schedule, I've been having Mondays off, but I went in today. Yes, I am sleepy, but there is more I need to do.
Late last week, I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate. Within the next couple of days, I received upwards to forty responses. They're still rolling in. I don't expect all of them will be viable candidates, nor do I expect all of them will come by for an interview, but I responded to nearly every email I got (There were a couple, like the girl who wanted to use the room for a week so she and her friend could crash there while they toured greater Boston, were put aside).
I have email fatigue. Been going back and forth with people, trying to set up times. And then there are the other, personal, emails that have needed my attention. Hours have been spent doing all of this. Way more time than seems necessary, but, alas, that's how much time it's taken. The majority of the responses have been women, which is fine with me, but usually there's more of a balance. Don't know why that is.
I think part of the reason I got so many replies to the ad - my lyrical, compelling, prose notwithstanding - is because I noted we are pet friendly. Why? Because we are. Fred and I would definitely love to live with another dog. It is a sad thing, but Baby Boy Z will be gone in a matter of days. No more play time, no more cuddle time. Will be strange not having him in my life anymore.
While I don't hate the whole process of finding a roommate, it is taxing. Especially since we just went through this only a few months ago. Hopefully, Fred won't announce he's leaving any time soon. I'm staying positive about this. I feel confident we'll find someone who fits well. I just want it to be over soon. Everything is in disarray.
Just looked at the clock. Have to go to the store. I'm going to have little time to do much of anything this week.
One more thing. Just watched the season finale of Game of Thrones and it delivered. Maybe our next roommate will be into the show and watch it with me. If not, someone will be getting the boot right the fuck out of here!
Late last week, I posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate. Within the next couple of days, I received upwards to forty responses. They're still rolling in. I don't expect all of them will be viable candidates, nor do I expect all of them will come by for an interview, but I responded to nearly every email I got (There were a couple, like the girl who wanted to use the room for a week so she and her friend could crash there while they toured greater Boston, were put aside).
I have email fatigue. Been going back and forth with people, trying to set up times. And then there are the other, personal, emails that have needed my attention. Hours have been spent doing all of this. Way more time than seems necessary, but, alas, that's how much time it's taken. The majority of the responses have been women, which is fine with me, but usually there's more of a balance. Don't know why that is.
I think part of the reason I got so many replies to the ad - my lyrical, compelling, prose notwithstanding - is because I noted we are pet friendly. Why? Because we are. Fred and I would definitely love to live with another dog. It is a sad thing, but Baby Boy Z will be gone in a matter of days. No more play time, no more cuddle time. Will be strange not having him in my life anymore.
While I don't hate the whole process of finding a roommate, it is taxing. Especially since we just went through this only a few months ago. Hopefully, Fred won't announce he's leaving any time soon. I'm staying positive about this. I feel confident we'll find someone who fits well. I just want it to be over soon. Everything is in disarray.
Just looked at the clock. Have to go to the store. I'm going to have little time to do much of anything this week.
One more thing. Just watched the season finale of Game of Thrones and it delivered. Maybe our next roommate will be into the show and watch it with me. If not, someone will be getting the boot right the fuck out of here!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
When the winter comes and the greenery goes, we will make some shelter
Just finished a Jaime POV chapter in Storm of Swords and thought to myself, not for the first time, "Damn, if he's not one of the most compelling characters in modern literature!" Astride that thought was this one: "Damn, can Martin tell a story!". I'm close to halfway through, and when I finish it will be on to A Feast For Crows. After that, A Dance With Dragons, perhaps the most eagerly anticipated book I've ever, uh.....anticipated. Comes out in July and if don't have the money to purchase the book, I will pimp myself out to all and sundry!
Speaking of books, I've never read a Harry Potter book, nor have I seen one of the movies based on the books. Strange that I haven't, given my tastes, but then again, maybe not so strange. Isn't the whole thing just a bunch of children running around casting spells and acting all nerdy? I'll probably watch the movies some day, but it's dubious whether I'll read the books.
The Bruins are on soon. I've been able to watch the last couple of games because they've been broadcast on a major network. Tonight, it's game seven of the Stanley Cup finals and, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm pretty excited to watch it. I used to be an avid fan of hockey until a few years ago, when ownership dismantled one of my favorite Bruin lineups. I felt betrayed and over the ensuing seasons, I only showed a passing interest. Somehow, my sister became a huge fan of the Bruins. Last year, my interest was rekindled and here we are, game seven of the finals. They haven't won the Cup since I've been alive. I like their chances tonight, but who can say.
Very pleased with my run yesterday. Close to six miles and the last couple I ran hard. Didn't plan to, but at one point I heard someone running behind me and decided I was not going to let them pass. Here and there, I caught fleeting glimpses of the woman following me. She kept pace pretty well, but on the bike path near Mass Ave, I turned on the jets. She stayed behind me almost all the way home. I almost approached her to thank her for the motivation, but thoughts of a warm shower and dinner were prevalent in my mind.
The roommate search is in full swing. Again. A revolving door of people over the last year, but what are you going to do.
For some reason, I just thought of Doug, a former coworker of mine. He used to take umbrage when I referred to myself as the King of Kings in his presence. He used to retort that I was the King of Queens. Guess he was blind to my glory.
Off to watch the Bruins DEFEAT (now I'm confident they'll win) the Canucks. If, for some reason foul play comes into effect and they somehow lose, I will pimp myself out to all and sundry.
Mark my words.
Speaking of books, I've never read a Harry Potter book, nor have I seen one of the movies based on the books. Strange that I haven't, given my tastes, but then again, maybe not so strange. Isn't the whole thing just a bunch of children running around casting spells and acting all nerdy? I'll probably watch the movies some day, but it's dubious whether I'll read the books.
The Bruins are on soon. I've been able to watch the last couple of games because they've been broadcast on a major network. Tonight, it's game seven of the Stanley Cup finals and, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm pretty excited to watch it. I used to be an avid fan of hockey until a few years ago, when ownership dismantled one of my favorite Bruin lineups. I felt betrayed and over the ensuing seasons, I only showed a passing interest. Somehow, my sister became a huge fan of the Bruins. Last year, my interest was rekindled and here we are, game seven of the finals. They haven't won the Cup since I've been alive. I like their chances tonight, but who can say.
Very pleased with my run yesterday. Close to six miles and the last couple I ran hard. Didn't plan to, but at one point I heard someone running behind me and decided I was not going to let them pass. Here and there, I caught fleeting glimpses of the woman following me. She kept pace pretty well, but on the bike path near Mass Ave, I turned on the jets. She stayed behind me almost all the way home. I almost approached her to thank her for the motivation, but thoughts of a warm shower and dinner were prevalent in my mind.
The roommate search is in full swing. Again. A revolving door of people over the last year, but what are you going to do.
For some reason, I just thought of Doug, a former coworker of mine. He used to take umbrage when I referred to myself as the King of Kings in his presence. He used to retort that I was the King of Queens. Guess he was blind to my glory.
Off to watch the Bruins DEFEAT (now I'm confident they'll win) the Canucks. If, for some reason foul play comes into effect and they somehow lose, I will pimp myself out to all and sundry.
Mark my words.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Light the lamp and fire mellow, cabinessence timely hello, welcomes the time for a change
More than one aspect of my life feels stale. I've documented here that I've been going through a transition and the staleness, I believe, is just one of its byproducts. I have a feeling my life is going to look quite a bit different in the coming weeks and months. Hopefully, for the better.
I'm looking at the clock. I just ate breakfast and would like to go for a run before I go see Super 8. I think I can do it. Just have to give myself some time to let the cereal digest. My last run was one of the better, most satisfying ones I've had in a long while. Again, I ran the 5 1/2 mile route, but this time the weather was perfect: no humidity, a soft breeze, and sunshine. I also laid off the iPod in favor of a more meditative experience. I find having music playing can be take away from the experience. So much of running is the rhythm of it. Without music, it's more of a symbiotic thing in which a natural, unforced, tempo is employed. Today, I'll go sans music. It'll be blissful, I predict. I'll bring the music back when my energy level is low and I'm being a whiny baby about having to go out for a run.
Finished A Clash of Kings and moved on to A Storm of Swords. I had thought before that I didn't own a copy of the latter so last week I ventured over to the book store to pick it up. They had a ton of copies when I was there a week prior, but were bone dry this time. Fortunately for me, I went down to my basement and fished through one of my containers of books and discovered I did in fact still own a copy, hardcover in fact. So, I'm reading that copy and saved myself some cash. Heavy bugger, though. May need to see a chiropractor by the time I'm through with it. HA! Was that funny, or what?
And now I need to work on getting ready to go for a run. It's cloudy, cool, and breezy. Ideal conditions. Later, I will work on music, read, watch some Blackadder or The Pacific or 127 Hours or the Mavs/Heat game. Maybe a little of everything.
Post script.
I went for the run and really enjoyed it. Sometimes, and this was beginning to happen late winter/early spring, running feels like a chore, a task I don't mind doing but something to get through all the same. The new longer route coupled with the absence of musical accompaniment, has made all the difference. These last few outings have been deeply satisfying, meditative. Today, I ran hard the last mile and had plenty of energy to go further. I like it when that happens. Now, when the suffocating humidity makes its return, well, things could look a bit different.
I came home and looked at the clock. I had about fifteen minutes until Super 8 began. Someone was in the shower, so that wasn't going to happen. I washed my face and rinsed my hair in the kitchen sink, toweled off the sweat, got dressed and hustled over to The Somerville Theater. I found a nice seat and had a few minutes to spare before the film started.
It was an enjoyable one. It had the feel of any great Spielberg movie, which was why I went to see it. Too often these days, story takes a back seat to special effects and mindless action sequences. Not with this movie. Story came first and it paid off. Go see this if you miss the wonderment of movies like E.T. or Close Encounters. Two thumbs up, son!
Spira was at the house when I returned. And so was Missy the dog. Spira let me finish her Brazilian food, which I devoured in short order. I hadn't eaten since the run; it was much appreciated. Game of Thrones will be on soon. Can't wait!
I'm looking at the clock. I just ate breakfast and would like to go for a run before I go see Super 8. I think I can do it. Just have to give myself some time to let the cereal digest. My last run was one of the better, most satisfying ones I've had in a long while. Again, I ran the 5 1/2 mile route, but this time the weather was perfect: no humidity, a soft breeze, and sunshine. I also laid off the iPod in favor of a more meditative experience. I find having music playing can be take away from the experience. So much of running is the rhythm of it. Without music, it's more of a symbiotic thing in which a natural, unforced, tempo is employed. Today, I'll go sans music. It'll be blissful, I predict. I'll bring the music back when my energy level is low and I'm being a whiny baby about having to go out for a run.
Finished A Clash of Kings and moved on to A Storm of Swords. I had thought before that I didn't own a copy of the latter so last week I ventured over to the book store to pick it up. They had a ton of copies when I was there a week prior, but were bone dry this time. Fortunately for me, I went down to my basement and fished through one of my containers of books and discovered I did in fact still own a copy, hardcover in fact. So, I'm reading that copy and saved myself some cash. Heavy bugger, though. May need to see a chiropractor by the time I'm through with it. HA! Was that funny, or what?
And now I need to work on getting ready to go for a run. It's cloudy, cool, and breezy. Ideal conditions. Later, I will work on music, read, watch some Blackadder or The Pacific or 127 Hours or the Mavs/Heat game. Maybe a little of everything.
Post script.
I went for the run and really enjoyed it. Sometimes, and this was beginning to happen late winter/early spring, running feels like a chore, a task I don't mind doing but something to get through all the same. The new longer route coupled with the absence of musical accompaniment, has made all the difference. These last few outings have been deeply satisfying, meditative. Today, I ran hard the last mile and had plenty of energy to go further. I like it when that happens. Now, when the suffocating humidity makes its return, well, things could look a bit different.
I came home and looked at the clock. I had about fifteen minutes until Super 8 began. Someone was in the shower, so that wasn't going to happen. I washed my face and rinsed my hair in the kitchen sink, toweled off the sweat, got dressed and hustled over to The Somerville Theater. I found a nice seat and had a few minutes to spare before the film started.
It was an enjoyable one. It had the feel of any great Spielberg movie, which was why I went to see it. Too often these days, story takes a back seat to special effects and mindless action sequences. Not with this movie. Story came first and it paid off. Go see this if you miss the wonderment of movies like E.T. or Close Encounters. Two thumbs up, son!
Spira was at the house when I returned. And so was Missy the dog. Spira let me finish her Brazilian food, which I devoured in short order. I hadn't eaten since the run; it was much appreciated. Game of Thrones will be on soon. Can't wait!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Goodbye, Pork Pie Hat
Just walked back from Porter Square, where I bought a minimal amount of groceries and a birthday present for my mom. I also ran into Sarah again. It was the second time in a matter of weeks (You may recall my utterly engrossing account in a previous post). Prior to our first encounter, it had been years since we saw each other.
Funny, but as I was walking to Porter Square, I saw someone walking towards me that looked like Sarah. I had a feeling I might run into her; not strong, but it was there. When I left the grocery store, I was about to walk home, leaving the birthday gift for tomorrow. Suddenly, though, I felt compelled to walk over to Pier One Imports and look for something for my mom. As I made my way across the parking lot, I stopped and adjusted my iPod's ear buds. I heard my name being called. It was Sarah walking toward me. We spoke for a bit and parted, she was headed to the grocery store and I continued on my way.
At Pier One, I found some mini vases for my mom. I wasn't there long. When I left the store, I wondered if I was going to run into Sarah again. I felt certain I would. I stopped at CVS to buy a card and a few minutes later I saw Sarah walking toward me. We marveled at how we keep running into each other. I told her the story of the three times I encountered my friend Blake on the road. "Well, she said, I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks." I won't be surprised in the slightest if we meet again like this. What does it all mean?
After work yesterday, I went for a five and half mile run. I had intended to practice yoga, but Fred was occupying the living room when I got home, so I changed my plans. I ran my old route, the one that follows the bike path through Somerville, Cambridge, and Arlington. This time, however, I ran the entire distance without periods of walking ( I used to walk some, sprint some, walk some, etc.) So, that felt good. I'm thinking to do the same tomorrow.
I was going to delve into my battles with the ego and the lessons I've been learning as a result, but it's late and I'd like to finish A Clash of Kings because it rocks so hard.
Funny, but as I was walking to Porter Square, I saw someone walking towards me that looked like Sarah. I had a feeling I might run into her; not strong, but it was there. When I left the grocery store, I was about to walk home, leaving the birthday gift for tomorrow. Suddenly, though, I felt compelled to walk over to Pier One Imports and look for something for my mom. As I made my way across the parking lot, I stopped and adjusted my iPod's ear buds. I heard my name being called. It was Sarah walking toward me. We spoke for a bit and parted, she was headed to the grocery store and I continued on my way.
At Pier One, I found some mini vases for my mom. I wasn't there long. When I left the store, I wondered if I was going to run into Sarah again. I felt certain I would. I stopped at CVS to buy a card and a few minutes later I saw Sarah walking toward me. We marveled at how we keep running into each other. I told her the story of the three times I encountered my friend Blake on the road. "Well, she said, I guess I'll see you in a couple of weeks." I won't be surprised in the slightest if we meet again like this. What does it all mean?
After work yesterday, I went for a five and half mile run. I had intended to practice yoga, but Fred was occupying the living room when I got home, so I changed my plans. I ran my old route, the one that follows the bike path through Somerville, Cambridge, and Arlington. This time, however, I ran the entire distance without periods of walking ( I used to walk some, sprint some, walk some, etc.) So, that felt good. I'm thinking to do the same tomorrow.
I was going to delve into my battles with the ego and the lessons I've been learning as a result, but it's late and I'd like to finish A Clash of Kings because it rocks so hard.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I'm saving all my love for you
I am a fucking faggot. At least I am according to the guy who tried to hit me with his car yesterday. Here's what happened. I was out for a run, the weather was fine, everything was right with the world.
At a crosswalk, two women were halfway across when I entered onto it. A Cadillac had stopped to let the women go by and, by extension, I assumed, me as well. I assumed incorrectly. Despite being only a few feet behind the women, the driver of the Caddy decided the best course of action was to accelerate once I got in front of his car. He was making it clear that he had stopped for the two women and not for me. Fortunately, I was able to dodge out of the way, but it was dicey. He finally hit the brakes. I had nearly fallen and his bumper was about two inches from me.
It was deliberate, to be sure. As I was crossing, we had established eye contact. It wasn't as if I came from nowhere, some ephemeral phantom. No, he was just.....psycho? Yes, that word will do. I got up, incredulous over what happened. I voiced my displeasure with the man, who looked to be in his seventies and accompanied by a younger woman, perhaps his daughter. I didn't say much, probably just " What the hell is your problem?". The guy, however, had a lot to say.
He was screaming, but I couldn't hear him until he opened his door and poked his head out. He was red with rage as he spewed forth a litany of curse words and threats. He told me I should have " watched where the fuck I was going", among other things. I pointed at the crosswalk and let him know what it was for. He didn't like that.
He got out of his car screaming at the top of his lungs and gesticulating wildly. He looked like he wanted to tear me limb from limb. Something in me told me I should move on. This guy was obviously unhinged. Obviously. The whole thing began with him trying to run me over. I started jogging away, shaking my head. Behind me, my new friend screamed, and I mean screamed, "YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!!!!!"
I held my tongue, especially when I realized there were mothers with baby strollers and one or two elderly women around. I continued on my way. This fucking faggot decided he wanted no part of that old psychopath.
At a crosswalk, two women were halfway across when I entered onto it. A Cadillac had stopped to let the women go by and, by extension, I assumed, me as well. I assumed incorrectly. Despite being only a few feet behind the women, the driver of the Caddy decided the best course of action was to accelerate once I got in front of his car. He was making it clear that he had stopped for the two women and not for me. Fortunately, I was able to dodge out of the way, but it was dicey. He finally hit the brakes. I had nearly fallen and his bumper was about two inches from me.
It was deliberate, to be sure. As I was crossing, we had established eye contact. It wasn't as if I came from nowhere, some ephemeral phantom. No, he was just.....psycho? Yes, that word will do. I got up, incredulous over what happened. I voiced my displeasure with the man, who looked to be in his seventies and accompanied by a younger woman, perhaps his daughter. I didn't say much, probably just " What the hell is your problem?". The guy, however, had a lot to say.
He was screaming, but I couldn't hear him until he opened his door and poked his head out. He was red with rage as he spewed forth a litany of curse words and threats. He told me I should have " watched where the fuck I was going", among other things. I pointed at the crosswalk and let him know what it was for. He didn't like that.
He got out of his car screaming at the top of his lungs and gesticulating wildly. He looked like he wanted to tear me limb from limb. Something in me told me I should move on. This guy was obviously unhinged. Obviously. The whole thing began with him trying to run me over. I started jogging away, shaking my head. Behind me, my new friend screamed, and I mean screamed, "YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!!!!!"
I held my tongue, especially when I realized there were mothers with baby strollers and one or two elderly women around. I continued on my way. This fucking faggot decided he wanted no part of that old psychopath.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
To late to discover peace of mind, to late to recover
I've noticed, upon careful inspection of my blog's sidebar, that my posts have been steadily decreasing. At an alarming rate? No, not quite - be calm, be serene, dear readers - but at a rate that suggests, barring some kind of renaissance, an eventual cessation of this here blog. I don't mean to frighten you, but I also don't want to sugar coat a likelihood. How soon, you ask with trembling voice. I don't know, but I'm sure it's coming. Hopefully, you'll find a way to replace the enormous gap in your lives. I have faith in you, be strong.
Ah, but the above forecast, if it comes to fruition, projects later than sooner, so we've still got some time together. But not now, because I just took a gander at the clock and there are matters I must attend to. I will, however, offer a quick recap - a highlight reel, if you will - of some recent activity I deem to be notable.
1. Last night, Craig and I visited Mike and Kristen up in NH. Some fine grilling was done, beer was imbibed, bedtime was in the wee hours of the morning. Craig's snoring from the adjoining room was disconcerting, if not terrifying. I hid under the covers, but my pure heart saw me safely through the night.
2. Yoga, yoga, yoga. Feeling flexible and mighty. Wanna fight?
3. Been writing songs and trying to come up with some cool harmonies.
4. Don't know what the impetus was, but I found myself watching Intervention and Hoarders this weekend. Thank you Netflix Watch Instantly for keep me off the streets.
5. My re-read of Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series has been a joy. I'm almost finished the second book and my conviction that this work is among the best I've ever read in any genre has not diminished. There were a couple of chapters I read recently involving Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, that were so brutal and terrifying, I had nightmares. If I ever get a chance to ask Mr. Martin a question or two, I will ask him if McCarthy's Blood Meridian had any influence on those chapters. There are also Lonesome Dove parallels all over the series. Anyway, I'm on pace to be done all four books by the time the new one comes out in July. In this, I am an absolute geek. But not a nerd; I hate nerds.
Time's up. I'm out this piece.
Ah, but the above forecast, if it comes to fruition, projects later than sooner, so we've still got some time together. But not now, because I just took a gander at the clock and there are matters I must attend to. I will, however, offer a quick recap - a highlight reel, if you will - of some recent activity I deem to be notable.
1. Last night, Craig and I visited Mike and Kristen up in NH. Some fine grilling was done, beer was imbibed, bedtime was in the wee hours of the morning. Craig's snoring from the adjoining room was disconcerting, if not terrifying. I hid under the covers, but my pure heart saw me safely through the night.
2. Yoga, yoga, yoga. Feeling flexible and mighty. Wanna fight?
3. Been writing songs and trying to come up with some cool harmonies.
4. Don't know what the impetus was, but I found myself watching Intervention and Hoarders this weekend. Thank you Netflix Watch Instantly for keep me off the streets.
5. My re-read of Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series has been a joy. I'm almost finished the second book and my conviction that this work is among the best I've ever read in any genre has not diminished. There were a couple of chapters I read recently involving Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain That Rides, that were so brutal and terrifying, I had nightmares. If I ever get a chance to ask Mr. Martin a question or two, I will ask him if McCarthy's Blood Meridian had any influence on those chapters. There are also Lonesome Dove parallels all over the series. Anyway, I'm on pace to be done all four books by the time the new one comes out in July. In this, I am an absolute geek. But not a nerd; I hate nerds.
Time's up. I'm out this piece.
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