"My cat is purring/ She scratches my skin/ So What is wrong with another sin?"
It is evident the cat is a metaphor for a sexually invigorated woman. She is in heat. She scratches the narrator's skin, perhaps literally, to express her desire with the implied hope the narrator will become, if he isn't already, sexually charged, and play his part in the commencement of intercourse. Clearly this will be the case. The narrator offhandedly tosses out the question, " So what is wrong with another sin?", which illustrates his readiness to engage in sexual activity with his "cat" and also suggests he is A) conscious of religious ramifications, but doesn't them seriously (One could argue he does take them seriously by the mere fact he posed a question about sinning)and that B) he has sinned before. He asks what is wrong with another sin, but is clearly not interested in receiving an answer, which, among other things, would point out that if one sin is wrong, than another one would be as well. No, he has other things on his mind.
I broke most of the song down in this manner. Sometimes the mind wanders. It happens.
Fred seems to be fitting in well. He's affable and pretty mellow, which is just up our alley. Pooch Edward Bottoms has given him the wag of approval, so I think we're going to be alright. With the benefit of hindsight, I feel kind of lousy about taking money out of his wallet when he first moved in. Oh, well. It is what it is.
Had a good yoga session after work today. It helped, believe it or not, with the gastro-intestinal (sp?) issues I've been having recently. I haven't been in pain, and I haven't been farting a lot, but I've been gassy. The yoga seemed to have the effect of pushing all that gas-iness out of my system. Okay, it's obvious I need to wrap this post up. I'm sure you could have done without this entire paragraph.
Got the new Deerhoof and the latest Julianna Barwick album this weekend. Also picked up Steve Miller's greatest hits. All on the cheap, too. I had T Rex's Futuristic Dragon in my hands, but because I didn't know too much about it, decided to leave it be. I found out later that, in addition to having one of the most absurd, over the top, yet rocking-est covers I've ever seen, T Rex brought the ruckus with this one. I'll have to pick it up.

Tonight I'll try to make some progress with a couple of songs, read from The Dragon Reborn (again with the dragons), and, if there's time, which there probably won't be, watch a Guy Maddin film.
Hi Kevin, while I am certainly glad that you did not continue with your paragraph about your well… let’s just call them "issues" I am happy to report that your spelling was indeed correct. (At least according to Google it was correct.) ;) Will you be telling us more about this Fred in future posts or only if you have a reason to mention him?
I'm sure I'll be mentioning Fred from time to time. Maybe we'll have Fred Fridays, when posts will be Fred related. Let me run it by him and see what he thinks.
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