Thursday, February 24, 2011

You say yes, and I say no, you say stop, and I say go, go,go

The Celtics traded Perk today. And Nate and Semeh and Luke and Marquis. Those in the know figured it would be a quiet day for the C's at the trade deadline. Guess they didn't know too much. Anyway, we get Jeff Green and Kristic and three open roster spot, which indicates the C's aren't done wheeling and dealing yet. Will miss Perk, he was a great defender, but I have to hand it to Danny Ainge for being gutsy. Now, I just have to get my head around all of this.

Our roommate search has come to an end. We conducted our last interview on Tuesday and decided, after sleeping on it, to go with Fred, who we feel will be the best fit. There were some good candidates, but we could only pick one.

Robin, our last interviewee, was also looking at Foley's place, which was kind of funny to find out. There could have been a bidding war if we didn't go with Fred. I think, from what I could decipher from a text from Foley, she ended up choosing another place.

One thing I've learned from interviewing people is that almost everyone likes the place, particularly its location, and maybe to a slightly lesser degree, Janelle and me. This time around, I think only one person we interviewed might not have accepted if we offered the place. That's ok, we wouldn't have offered him the place, anyway.

Baby Boy Z saw the spate of interviews as playtime. Everyone who walked in the door was an instant playmate. This, as you might you imagine, garnered some humorous results. Look, he's the Baby Boy Z and he's very social. He loves everyone. He even made it a point to stick his face into each candidate's crotch. I can't say the same for Janelle and me.

So, the days of Ella are at an end. Really, it's as if she's never lived here. We never, ever saw her. She hardly left any kind of sign that indicated she lived here. I wish her well. I had a dream last night that instead of Fred moving in, Rich filled the spot. As I was trying to reason out why we decided to allow him to move back into the house, he was setting up the living room as a temporary bedroom for a few of his sketchy friends. I was aghast and was thrust out of the dream, thank heavens, before I had a stroke.

Been a busy week and a busy month. Almost hard to believe Spring is soon to arrive.

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