Saturday, November 13, 2010

A feast of friends, alive she cried

I have some doubts whether this post will see the light of day, but I'll give it a go. I've been having computer issues of late and my access to the Internet has been limited. I have no idea what is wrong with my computer, but it's been running extremely slow at times. I've run every anti-virus program I could think of multiple times and after the wiping out of a few pesky bugs, all subsequent reports have been positive, no viruses detected. But still my computer has its issues. And weird ones. Sometimes, if I'm watching a video on my Windows Media Player, I'll get no sound. Sometimes whatever page I'm on freezes for a long time. Sometimes a message pops up stating the Generic Host Win32 Plug-in has encountered a problem and needs to close. It's frustrating not knowing what's going on, but I'll work something out. And if I don't, you'll know it because my posting here will be infrequent at best. I'm sure some of you wouldn't mind that very much.

The last couple of days were busy ones. Thursday night, I went to see Sufjan Stevens at the Orpheum with Spira, Pam, and Spira's friend Sean, who I'd never met, but had seen performing on stilts at a couple events. I liked him immediately. Who doesn't like a guy who performs on stilts? Before the show, we ate at my favorite Vietnamese restaurant, the name of which I forget. What does that tell you that I don't know the name of one of my favorite restaurants? My bulb sure runs bright. Anyway, the food was so good. Pam bought dinner, something I've learned she insists on doing whenever she eats out (Note to self: go out to dinner with Pam more frequently). Damn, I wish I could remember the name of that place. Pho Zoo Zoo? No, that's not it. Phee Phi Pho Phums? Nope. Ahh, let's move on.

The show was fantastic. I've never seen one like it. He had about twelve people in his band, including three female backup singers. Everyone was dressed in garish, semi-futuristic beach attire and, in keeping with the fun-in-the-sun theme, there were beach balls strewn about the stage.

I've been a fan of Sufjan for years now. He's taken his music in unlikely directions. What initially turned me on to him was his quiet, confessional songs. His voice is soft, pretty, even, but not fragile. Those early albums were on par with Elliot Smith or Nick Drake in terms of the quality of the songs and the style. The show on Thursday was a bit of a departure.

I didn't recognize a single song until the encores. His set heavily favored his new album, which favors electronics more than the acoustic-laden instrumentation of his earlier ones. He and his band gave it their all. At times it felt as if we were in church. For one song, everyone would be on their feet clapping and grooving along with the music and then for the next, we'd be seated as Sufjan serenaded us with his just his acoustic. There were impressive, trippy visuals projected on a screen throughout the set that complimented the music very well. For those in the audience under the influence of hallucinogenics, the show must have been mind-bending. It sure was for us sober folk.

Last night, I went to Scott's birthday party up in Milford. I rode up with Janelle, Aviv, and Pooch Edward Bottoms. My only regret about the evening was that it was too short. It's not often that we all get together, but when we do, it's a therapeutic and energizing occasion. That's right - I said therapeutic and energizing. Got a problem with that? Think it's a little too New Agey? Actually, you may be right. Let's just say I have a good time when I'm with my friends.

Kim, I wish we had more time to discuss books. We'll get around to it next time we meet. And Mike, even though I'm pretty sure everyone thought you were a real asshole for dropping my beer bottle and smashing it into oblivion, I'm not mad at you. After all, you were doing me a favor by opening it for me. Still, you may want to call some people and apologize for your reckless, hurtful behavior. It was reprehensible.

I hitched a ride home with Foley after Aviv beat him, and others handily at Connect Four. I watched the tourney as Mike Austin and I played a couple of dulcimers. If you had told me before the party that I'd be providing dulcimer accompaniment to a Connect Four tournament, I would have been a little surprised, but only a little.

I tried staying awake for a bit after arriving home, but it was a futile endeavor. I fell asleep in the middle of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode. It had been a busy day with work, a long and vigorous run, and the party. No all-nighter for this guy.

Okay, I better wrap this up and see if it publishes. I hope it does, because I spent five hours crafting it. I'm kidding. I don't think I could spend five hours doing anything. Well, that's not exactly true - I sleep more than five hours every night. Anyway, this bird has flown, to quote Mr. Lennon.



Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Aye, the dulcimer... Maybe I should pick it back up again. It just never sounded the same when I played it as when others did.

Sounds like you had a great time. :)

Kate said...

Yup, it published fine! I shall be publishing again soon and that I promise! I actually have one in "drafts" that I need to get back to and finish. I will get on that pronto!

F.Y.I. There, might be someone else who would treat you to a dinner...but, only if you order from the dollar menu at Wendy's! Just Kidding! But seriously, it's a strong possibility it would only take a modicum of planning to make it happen! Hint, hint...

Kevin said...

Leigh, you owe it to yourself to pick up the dulcimer again. Who cares if you don't sound like everyone else? They're all a bunch of sheep, anyway. ;)

Kate, Looking forward to reading your blog. Oh, and Wendy's is the Four Seasons of fast food, so I'm always on board with that place. I like to wear my fancy jeans when I go there.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

I'm sure I will again, just right now woodcraft is consuming my spare time.

LOL... "fancy jeans"... I wear my "holey" jeans to church. ;)