Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face

Ok, I admit, I'm sick. I won't, however, let my illness lounge around in my body rent free. No, I am not taking too kindly to this bully and will not go down without a fight. As far as colds go, this one, so far, is pretty mild. Rich has been home all week with his. If mine doesn't become more intense, I should be able to manage going to work.

Had a restlessness night. I'd sleep for a couple of hours, wake up for a spell, and repeat the cycle. My throat hurt so badly that when I'd wake up thirsty, I'd have to toss the juice I was drinking down my throat without using any of it's muscles. It feels better today, but for a while there I thought I was going to have to extract it with a pair of tongs.

Every Wednesday Kim has a day off, and, of course, Wednesday is the busiest day of the week, except for Saturday, another of Kim's day's off. So, I'm left to hold down the fort and on a day like today, when I'd rather be in bed, it's not an enjoyable experience. Already, I've gotten into an argument with a woman about an invoice and my voice was so froggy, I could barely get out a sentence. Good times.

Even though I was coming down with a cold, I went running after work. I did this, not to be some kind of tough guy, but because A.) I was actually up for it, and B.) I knew that, if I was indeed coming down with something, that I'd be out of commision for a while. Well, I was right, at least as far as tonight is concerned. No way am I doing anything that requires movement. Unless, by some strange development, I'm offered sex by an unresistable woman. Only in my sleep, I'm afraid, will that happen.

Ok, my body is throbbing right now, and not in a good way. I need to close my eyes for a moment and regroup.

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