Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The future's uncertain and the end is always near

Today is the first day in a few that didn't dose me with fearful thoughts, paranoia, and related nonsense. I did my best to combat it all through meditation and yoga, two practices I don't think I've ever once mentioned in this blog, but I almost slipped into a chasm of futility when I read about the White House's bleak, but unsurprising, climate report.

One thing at a time. We think we know what is going to happen in life, but we really don't. So, I stayed as present as I could muster, particularly when despair set in thick. It wasn't as bad as I make it seem, perhaps, but it wasn't a tip toe through the tulips.

Good news arrived last night concerning The Big Three podcast, one of my favorite things in the world. Seems it is coming back from the grave. Earlier in the day, I had been thinking about how pretty soon I'll have listened to the entire library, which bummed me out a little bit, but then I heard they were coming back and....oh, my, the breath it did quicken and a whoop! blew out of my mouth. The light shineth through!

 One of these days, I'll write an essay about how much these guys mean to me.

I meditated in half lotus last night and I barely made it through the half hour. Not terribly comfortable and today I walked around with a slight limp. My right knee hasn't been right for a while. Slowly it gets better. I need to go easier on it. Anyway, the half lotus was worth it. I don't know if it had to do with my spine being straighter or if it was just my time, but for a good chunk of the session my body pulsed with balls of energy that surged from my sacrum up to my third eye. Pretty cool.

I just realized that I haven't have meat in about two weeks. Not by design, it's just been happening naturally. Ram Dass talks about this type of thing happening as a result of consistent meditation practice. Pretty cool.

I've also, in case you were wondering, been continuing with the cold showers. It's been going on for months. I'm glad I stuck with it. You should congratulate me with a meaningful gift.

I was going to say some other stuff but I forgot it all. Oh, well.

Peace to all of you. Even you, Billy.

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