Wednesday, May 21, 2014

One two three four five six seven, all good children go to Heaven

I barely eat meat anymore. I like keeping my options open - the other night I had a pork chop at my mom's house - but the desire to eat meat isn't really there. There are several different foods, pasta being one of them, that I rarely eat anymore. All of this has been happening organically and almost outside my attention. There are days I only eat water-rich foods and maybe a couple of pieces of Ezekiel bread and some crackers. It happens.

Alright, this was meant to be a brief post, so I'll keep it brief. I'll be back with a longer post probably tomorrow and, don't worry, I won't be bragging about how awesome my diet is. Well, maybe I will devote a couple of paragraphs to that topic, but you can skip over them if you must.


Finish watching Pacific Rim, a movie I wish I saw in the theater. It's pretty bad ass, like Godzilla VS. Transformers. I'm so happy Michael Bay, who I hate so much, did not direct it.

Lyrics. I've been sitting down with a note pad the last several nights with no real intention beyond putting pen to paper and working the creative muscle, which needs some physical therapy, if you know what I mean. No, I guess you don't.

Also over the last several nights I've been listening studiously to Einstein On The Beach, unlocking its treasures. I was listening to some of it in the kitchen the other night while I was preparing dinner and Fred came out of his room and said, "Phillip Glass, right?". I said, "Yes" and then he said, "This is something I could see myself just sitting down and listening to for a few days". I said "That's what I've been doing". And then we laughed all the live long day.

Spira forced me to watch Master Chef: Junior  the other night and got me hooked. I watched the last episode earlier this evening. Damn, those tykes can cook, son! Next up: Master Chef: Toddler.

Listened to the new Big Three episode in the car today and didn't finish it. Might have to remedy that situation after I say see ya wouldn't wanna be ya to this post. This was the first episode in months and, boy, oh boy, was I thrilled to download it. It's my favorite thing in life. That and the Marine Corps.

See ya, puppies!

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