Sunday, March 23, 2014

What if, baby, I cannot hear the sound? What if, baby, I cannot hear the light?

I'm giving myself twenty minutes here; let's see how much I can accomplish. I'm listening to Tune-Yards's wonderful Whokills. I read a review of the album that said, among its other virtues, it demands the listener's attention. I can say from experience that this is true; I'm having trouble focusing on the task at hand. I better pull it together because I've only got about fifteen minutes to wrap this up.

Let's answer some mail from the readers.

So, what's up, bro?
- Neal, from Wichita

Not much, dude. Just chillin'

Do you still like your new yoga mat?
- Jennifer Qwalihajorosopolis

It's not that new anymore and I absolutely love it! I have zero complaints. I want to marry it. If you practice yoga, get the Manduka Black Mat Pro. Get it even if you don't - it's that good.

Six minutes left.

How many filet o' fish sandwiches can you eat in one sitting?
- Jeffy 

If I'm hungry, probably three. Thanks for asking; no one ever asks me that.

Is it true that Missy D is also known as Princess Puppy Baby?
- Jimmy the priest

Yes. It's official. It suits her.

You better sleep with one eye open, you rotten worm! I'm coming for you.
- Billy

Oh, Billy, you so cra-zay.

Alright, times up, foundlings


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