Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe

That feeling of walking the plank rides me strong and I haven't been able to shake it. It just permeates everything. There is also the corollary, and much fainter, feeling of unfolding into something much better, golden. What will manifest? I can't say.

There are a couple of longer posts taking form in my skull, things I need to get off my chest. They will arrive soon. Be ready, o' wanderers of the cosmos.

What else can I say tonight? That I'm in a vaguely sad and forlorn and peaceful and content way? That lyrics need to be written? That God speaks in paradoxes? That for a spiritual person I'm much too petty and selfish and cynical? That my discovery of honey mustard wheat thins was a blessing and a curse? That when Amanda's boy, Teddy, hugged me I nearly teared up because it felt like it came directly from the Divine Mother? That I really enjoy playing my new songs? That my breath quickens every time I contemplate pressing play on my dad's mini tape recorder? That the grief is still sharp? That it's time to end this post?

The End.

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