Sunday, April 21, 2013

2 and 2 always makes a 5

Last week took its toll. Hopefully, this one will be absent any bombings, dismemberment, martial law, that sort of thing. It's an unsettling thought wondering what will happen if another teenager manages to evade virtually every single law enforcement agency this fine country has to offer. What if it's three or four teenagers? Shut it down! Shut it all down! Break out the tanks, the snipers, the helicopters, the SWAT teams, the Army, The Navy Seals, the cannons, the bayonets, the hand grenades, the French Foreign Legion, the slingshots. That's okay, we need to feel safe and sound, us babes in our swaddling clothes. Freedom comes with a cost, children. Oh, it does, it does, it does.

In the meantime, I forge ahead and try to shape a life tranquil, warm, and loving. Resplendent good cheer, love, laughter, thrills, excitation! Can it all manifest and be worn like a warm fuzzy vest? Why not, I say. Why not.

Been busy. In fact I'm booked for the next several days. It's alright, I'm looking forward to seeing some friends. Tomorrow it will be Amanda; the day after, Mara. Within the hour, I expect Craig to arrive like some terrible doom-laden wraith.  Somewhere amidst the socializing, I hope to accomplish some recording. We'll see, guppies.

We'll see.

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