Friday, March 27, 2015

You've got no business questioning a thing

It is Friday and I'm grateful the weekend is here. Not a bad week, necessarily, but it was a mixed bag. Got my new iPhone and....fuck, I don't want to relive the bullshit so I'll just say it was a comedy of errors getting it activated. Took a couple of days and hours dealing with (mostly) incompetent customer service reps. I love the phone and it is galaxies better than my last one which was an asshole prick that I paid too much to use. And, I've got too admit, I started feeling slightly embarrassed being the only one around with a piece of shit relic. Not so much because of status, but because it was a real inconvenience for others to deal with as well. Onward and upward.

I also got to throw six hundred smackers into my car this week. I went in for an oil change and they told me my exhaust pipe was leaking and would soon fall off. Well, I had to get 'er done, to quote Sir Larry, The Cable Guy. I wasn't too thrown off because I was planning on spending around that much for new brakes, which, as it happens, I was told I didn't need (I do need new tires, though, but that is not a pressing matter). My car has been nice to me. I've been trying to thank it every time it brings me somewhere; gratitude is a powerful undernourished resource in our society and consequently I have to be diligent about keeping it at the forefront of my mind.  Lessons everywhere if you have eyes to see them. My vision needs work, but it is improving.

Listening to a lot of Death Grips, getting deeper into my yoga and meditation practices, finishing up two new songs I like quite a bit, and getting ready to head to Craig's house on the Cape of Cod, where an all-star lineup of my macho guy friends will make merry in a variety of ways excluding amorous physical expression (well, at least speaking for myself; who knows what the others have planned)..

Alright, I will henceforth move onward to different, sexy, and totally rad things.

Smell you later, motherfuckers.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A heart of ice is easily melted, a heart of stone is easily thrown away

We've had two days of Spring and it has snowed during each of them. That's all I'm going to say on the topic because there's no use getting bothered by something beyond my control. And it's important to me that I minimize the things I let bother me. So enough talk of this fucking shitty perpetual winter.

The new Death Grips album, Jenny Death, is fucking amazing! I knew they had this album in them. This is a band at the height of its powers. Less electronics, more guitars and drums. So effin heavy in all the right ways. It's a keeper.

I've been making some strides in terms of my development as a conscious being. Certain negative patterns I've repeated over the course of my life on autopilot have been exposed to the light of day. Clarity has enabled me to see them for what they are and they've been less potent. As a result, there has been more space, room to breathe. It's a process.

A good friend has been going through some hard times and I've been offering whatever support I can. He's not doing so good but he's making a go at effecting some positive changes, which, to me, is a big thing. Some people, and I know one or two, won't even lift a finger to help themselves out. They're the ones I have trouble summoning respect for. Compassion, sure, but, c'mon, do something on behalf of  yourself! Ah, but that's they're situation and it's not up to me how they handle it.

Spira's treating me to some Ethiopian food tonight on account of the fact that I've been taking care of Missy D when she has long days at yoga teacher training. I've had little experience with Ethiopian cuisine; I think I'll enjoy it but who knows.

More tattoos on the horizon. Janelle is being kind enough to design one for me and there's another one I have in mind that I'll reveal at a later date (oooohhh, mysterious!). Looking forward to it.

Ok, I'm out this piece, homies!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Once my heart was filled with the love of a girl, I held her close but she faded in the night

Various parts of my body feel sore this morning (ribs, left Achilles tendon, right hamstring, upper arms). This is a product of Friday's yoga session, which focused heavily on the upper body. So there's your arm soreness. The leg soreness is probably the result of cobra or overdoing down dog - who knows. This type of thing happens to everyone who maintains a regular yoga practice. I'll take it a bit easier with today's session if need be.

I've been eating Scottish oatmeal for breakfast. I add almond milk, sliced banana, coconut, honey, and cacao powder. Tasty and healthy. And, my dear children, it leaves me feeling satisfied for a long while; I don't start feeling hungry until well into the day. Beats the insulting my body with egg bagel sandwiches or some other fast food breakfast bullshit. Yes, I'm aware that bullshit is tasty -of course it is - but the risks outweigh the rewards.

Had a productive band practice yesterday. We went over some older material and tried out some new stuff. Even though it was only Pat's second appearance with us, the cohesion was evident. It's entirely gratifying having a band again. We've got something special here. I'm looking forward to playing out. We're going to bring the ruckus.

Evangeline is moving out in May. Kind of expected it after she lost her job last month. She's going to take some summer classes in Chicago. She's been a great roommate for the most part; it'll suck a bit seeing her go, but I'm happy for her. So the roommate search will soon begin.

The new Death Grips album is slated to drop today. Based on the one track I heard, I'm excited to hear it. Say what you want about digital media, but nothing beats being able to purchase a new record without having to get dressed and drive to a music store (if you can find one) and hope they have what you're looking for. If they do, you'll be paying more than what you'd pay for a digital download.

Granted, there is a certain appeal to hanging out at a store and browsing, but it's really not that different than doing the same thing online, where your browsing can take you much further than at a store. So fuck browsing at a store. Now, if you're talking about going to an indie record shop where you can talk to the staff and get recommendations and hang out in a cool environment, well, that experience can't really be substituted.  To that end, when I have some F You money I plan on purchasing a turntable and visiting some some local record stores.


Cheers & Jeers


The Fall. Great show and Gillian Anderson's acting is some of the best I've seen. She should win every award


The Big Three project. I've gushed over this before, but I'm going to do it again. Because it's so layered and spans decades, it's not an easy thing explaining it to people. I won't even try, but if you're interested in comedy, you shouldn't overlook The Big Three.


St. Patrick's Day. Not so much the holiday itself, but what it represents to people. As if people needed an excuse to get shit faced drunk and make complete asses out of themselves. Fuck the parades, fuck the bars. I hate being around drunks.


Cannabis!  I'm overjoyed that it's becoming more acceptable in our society. It's about time. For too long it's been equated with hard drugs and derelict behavior. People are waking up to its welter of benefits.


Winter. No explanation needed.

Alright, lads and lasses, time to go. Going to Spira's to hang out with Missy D while she's at yoga teacher training. I have a feeling I'll be lavishing Missy D with affection.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Green are your eyes, in the morning when you rise

I've been a  busy fella. Not going to stick around this post very long but wanted to touch base. Why? Well, who knows. Perhaps I have it in my mind that my readers are in a constant state of pining for  new material. And, because that is most assuredly an unassailable truth in the objective sense, I figure it is my duty as a pure-hearted, responsible scribe to alleviate any suffering my absence from this blog may cause.


I was talking to a friend about the new study that recently came out that states smoking cigarettes is even worse for you than once thought. My friend asked me if I thought the study would inspire people to quit. My answer: probably not many.

Look, the smoker, most of the time, is going to sweep anything related to the habit's harmful effects right the fuck under a rug. Why? Because they are possessed by their addiction, shackled to it. They believe its lies even when the truth is directly in front of them, glaring like a thousand suns. You could tack a list of the multitudinous ways cigarettes will kill you to a smoker's chest and they will crumble it up and throw it away.

 "I'll quit someday", they may think.

Someday. It comes for those willing to exorcise the demon, to gather the will and act upon it, and for others it is merely a concept, intangible, at bay. Ah, the devilry of addiction.

I used to smoke, so I know what a bitch the addiction is. It offers nothing of value while making you think you can't live without it. I don't mean to be cynical, only calling it like I see it. The good news is there are fewer and fewer smokers these days. There's been such a reduction that I'm often surprised when I see someone light up. More people are wising up every day.

See, I'm not being cynical. Get off my back.

Alright, canaries, there is more - there always is- but other activities beckon and I must heed their call.

So long!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Everyone needs love, you know that it's true, someday you'll find someone that will fall in love with you

I'm tired. This will be a short post. It has to be or I'll pass out onto my keyboard. Yes, children, matters are that dire.

I had a late night last night. A good portion of it was spent at Foley's place playing music. I had a bunch of energy when I got home and didn't make it to bed at a reasonable time. I did stuff like meditate and watch some videos from Timbergiantbigfoot, one of my favorite Bigfoot researchers. I fell asleep listening to Terrence McKenna speak about how our allegiance to Materialism has blinded us to other essential and multitudinous aspects of existence. I wonder if it affected my dreams. Must have at least a little bit; I have a vague recollection of a dream in which I tripped on mushrooms. Mckenna was, among other things, an ethnobotanist and a proponent of psychedelics, in case you didn't know.

Ignore Emporium practiced on Sunday. It had been a while. We were a bit rusty but that was to be expected. We've been getting a lot of good feedback. I'm jazzed to start playing out. Stay tuned, readers! Stay tuned, I said!

Man, the last Big Three Best of podcast was effing brilliant! A true comedic masterpiece. I'm not even going to bother getting into it here because I have a feeling none of you know of what I speak. Too bad because it was so layered and so hilarious and so....


Alright, I promised a short post and short it will be. I haven't passed out yet; the salad and chai seemed to have revivified me a bit after a yoga session that went deep and expended some energy. Still, I'm out this piece because I never go back on my word.

A pleasant evening to you.