Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Slip kid, slip kid, realization there's no easy way to be free

Listening to The Who's Who By Numbers. I've only within the last week become acquainted with it, which is surprising, taking into consideration the fact that I've been a longtime fan of the band. I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I'd been under the impression that it's one of their weaker records (i.e. uninspired and sloppy, drugged out). Well, it's completely the opposite of that: the band is super tight and sharp, the songs are strong. And the production is wonderful. Wonderful, I say.

Not so wonderful has been the crushing weight of despair. Not as bad as that, I suppose, but I had to get your attention. My moods have been all over the place, my thoughts too. All I can do is play it out, keeping myself fit physically, mentally, and spiritually. Even at my worst, there is always the promising glint of hope.

For the last two weeks, I've been attempting to put lyrics to one of the piano songs I wrote while staying at Spira's. It's been a slow process. The song isn't even that long. Ah, I guess I want to get it as right as I can. The key, though, is not to get hyper-critical, which, as you know, kills any song dead. Chipping away, but I'll get 'er done, to quote Sir Larry The Cable Guy, the comeliest and bonniest of knights.

After work today, I got some groceries at the Market Basket in Andover and handled the extreme traffic like a champ. I was proud of myself. I was cool as ice, son! Let's see Billy do that. Nah, he's too invested in the whole mystique of explosive rage. Anyway, I picked up a couple of shower curtain liners to replace the absurdly filthy ones hanging filthily in our bathroom. I came home and went to town. I replaced the liners and scrubbed the tub, sink and toilet. Windexed the mirrors, mopped. I'm so happy that I was proactive. Happy, I say.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to close my eyes and meditate. I hope to tune in to the Holy Spirit and ride that wave for all it's worth. Maybe, if you follow suit, we can meet up somewhere in the multiverse and coalesce for a while. Whaddya say, children?

Actually, if you want to communicate, we can do so via text or Facebook. I'd rather my meditation be spent alone. No offense.

Alright, chaps, see you in the movies.

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