Friday, September 27, 2013

Hey, hey mama, what's wrong with you?

Feeling good. Just had a nourishing and delicious dinner. I made a quinoa dish that featured roasted sweet potato, steamed broccoli and mushrooms, beets, garden tomato, tempeh marinated in green onion teriyaki sauce, and feta cheese. I'm so amped I could run outside and beat up pedestrians.

I'm closer than ever when it comes to eliminating meat from my diet. Saw another documentary that showed in gruesome detail  how the meat we eat is processed. It makes me terribly sad watching this stuff, but it's the least I can do; feeling discomfort is nothing compared to what these poor creatures go through. How can I continue to look the other way, knowing how vulgar and immoral this whole business is? So, we'll see how it goes. Might still eat farm-raised meat. Or maybe not.

A fine day today. First of all, it's Friday. So there's that. Also, there were only a few of us at work today and we didn't have much to do, so we all left at four. Brittany, who's still relatively new was so happy we were leaving but confessed to me that she tried not to show it lest they think she hates her job or something.

Other things went well today, but they don't need to be mentioned here. Actually, nothing needs to be mentioned here, but you catch my drift. Right?

I had a dream last night in which I saw my Uncle Dick. I hugged him tightly and sobbed. I couldn't stop. I don't know what that was about, but I suspect it had something to do with my dad. The last time I saw Dick, which was a few months after my dad died, he reminded me so much of him it was eerie. Ah, the grief isn't as bad, but it lingers in the corners.

Just took a look at some drafts of the Ignore Emporium logo Janelle's been working on. We're getting there. Loving where it's headed. Means a lot her doing this for me.

Breaking Bad wraps up this weekend. I'm going to try watch it though I don't have cable. A way will be found. Or I'll watch it online a day or two later.

See ya, buddies!

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