Thursday, October 11, 2012

We haven't served that spirit here since 1969

Advice, commands, observations, accusations, sundry:

1. The High Llamas are playing- their epic, Brian Wilson flavored Hawaii- and it occurs to me I haven't listened to it in a long time. It's a great album.

2. If you want to be kind to your fellow man, offer assistance if he's occupying a urinal or stall near you. "Need a hand, friend?" or "Take a load off and let me do the work; that's what I'm here for" are along the lines of what you should say. This works for dames, too (except as concerns the urinal, of course). I'll have none of your accusations that I'm gender biased.

3. I guess I'm not in the mood for Hawaii, as great as I claim it is. Back to Grizzly Bear's Shields, which has been in heavy rotation. Sleeping Ute is a standout track and conjures Yes's "Gates of Delirium", something I never thought I'd  have occasion to say.

4. Watch Boardwalk Empire....NOW!

5. What's made me more content over the last several weeks: wasabi mayonnaise or God's love? Well, let's see....HA! It's a trick question: they are one in the same.

6. Someone recently told me about their anal fissures and, despite not being told to keep it a secret - it was brought forth casually to the conversation - I'm going to go ahead and treat it as such. I don't know what I'm getting at, why I'm sharing this; perhaps it's just my way of letting you know you can unload your anal fissure issues on me and I won't utter a peep to anyone.

7. I used to work with this guy named Chepo who once told me that when he was a youth in Puerto Rico, he used to steal chickens from his neighbor. Sometimes, he said, the neighbor would eat dinner with Chepo's family, unaware that he was eating stolen goods. I told Chepo my experience growing up was quite different. I did eat chicken fairly often, though. There is that.

8. Coming up: new car. Finally.

9. Have you been telling all the ladies that I'm a venereal disease infested worm and abuser of women? It must be the case because otherwise I'd be getting it on with all sorts of them almost all the time. Not cool, man. Not cool.

10. Time for some Boardwalk Empire or maybe some Guy Maddin. Maybe both. I'll keep you posted.

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